What to Expect If You're Considering Thrombectomy - Oren Zarif - Thrombectomy
If you've been suffering from a blood clot, you may be considering thrombectomy. This procedure can be extremely helpful for improving mobility and patient outcomes. However, not every patient will benefit from this treatment. Eight out of every 20 will recover with less disability than people who do not undergo this treatment. This procedure comes with many risks, including allergic reactions and permanent damage to the kidneys. Here's what to expect if you are considering this procedure for your clot.
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Thrombectomy is usually performed after a stroke. If thrombectomy is performed within six hours of the stroke, it can help prevent brain damage. However, new guidelines have extended this time frame to allow patients to have the surgery even if they had the stroke while sleeping or woke up with stroke symptoms. It is crucial to know the risks of this procedure before scheduling one. For example, if you are under the influence of medication or alcohol, you should consult your doctor about the risks of thromboembolism.
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During thrombectomy, you may experience low-grade fever for a couple of days after the procedure. This is not an indication of a surgical infection, but you should take your medicines as directed. Smoking can delay healing, so talk to your doctor about quitting. You may also want to avoid eating anything after midnight the night before the procedure. You will need to follow the doctor's instructions on anticoagulant medication.
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If you're unable to receive regular blood circulation, you may need a thrombectomy to restore your normal heartbeat and normal blood flow. A thrombectomy procedure can be performed in an outpatient or inpatient setting. It will be performed by a surgeon using a catheter or aspiration. A thrombectomy can be performed at Mercy Health Heart & Vascular Institute. For more information, call (403) 929-4461.
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The procedure involves a thin plastic tube that is threaded through a blood vessel. A doctor threads the catheter through the blood vessel and removes the blood clot. In some cases, a balloon is used to keep the blood vessel open. The surgeon will then repair the blood vessel and restore blood flow to the affected part of the brain. A nurse will be with you during the procedure to monitor you. The procedure takes about one hour and may require a hospital stay.
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A mechanical thrombectomy is another minimally-invasive technique that is effective for removing blood clots from the brain. The doctor inserts a thin tube through a patient's blood vessels and a tiny device on the tip of the catheter catches the clot. This procedure can be less painful than a surgical procedure because it doesn't involve any large incisions or disruption of the skull.
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Another procedure that involves the removal of a blood clot is known as an embolectomy. This procedure is often used to treat patients who have suffered from a blood clot in a vein. The procedure is a life-saving procedure for people suffering from this disease. If you develop a blood clot, you should contact a doctor immediately if you suspect that you may need this procedure. The process can save your life if you're in any way at risk of a heart attack or a stroke.