Can Thrombectomy Reverse a Stroke? Oren Zarif - Thrombectomy
A thrombectomy is a type of surgical procedure designed to remove blood clots. While the procedure may not be ideal, it can potentially reverse a stroke and prevent brain damage. While traditionally, a surgical thrombectomy was performed within six hours of a stroke, new guidelines allow patients up to three days to undergo a thrombectomy. This includes patients who experienced a stroke while they were sleeping and woke up with symptoms.
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A thrombectomy has many risks. A patient may develop a blood clot again if the procedure is unsuccessful. The risks are dependent on the location of the clot, patient's overall health, and blood clotting methods. The success rate of the procedure is about 70 percent. After the procedure, patients should wear compression stockings and monitor their symptoms closely. They should also take painkillers.
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A surgical thrombectomy involves making a small incision in the artery above the blood clot. The doctor will then remove the clot and repair the blood vessel. A balloon may be inserted into the blood vessel to keep it open while the clot is removed. A surgeon may also use a stent to keep the blood vessel open and restore blood flow. The patient will stay in the hospital after undergoing a thrombectomy.
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The recovery period for a thrombectomy is long and can take anywhere from four to eight hours. The patient may need to take blood-clot-fighting medicines to help them recover. In some cases, a patient may need to stay overnight in the hospital after the surgery. A thrombectomy is a procedure that requires a general anesthesia to perform. Anesthesia is a combination of IV medications and gases that puts a patient in a deep sleep.
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Thrombectomy is a type of cardiac surgery that removes blood clots from arteries and veins. During a stroke, the patient's blood may be thickened and impede the blood flow to the brain. The clot may also form in the arm or leg. If the clot is large, it may block blood flow and cut off oxygen to the brain. A thrombectomy can be a lifesaving procedure.
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While a thrombectomy may sound invasive, it's the procedure of choice for people with a blood clot. The clot has lodged in a blood vessel, obstructing its blood supply. These blood clots can damage internal organs and cause heart attacks, gangrene, and limb amputation. It is sometimes called an embolus. This is the most common reason for a thrombectomy, so it is important to choose the best one for you.
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Mechanical thrombectomy is another option. A surgeon threads a thin tube through your blood vessels to reach the clot. A tiny device attached to the tip of the catheter snatches the clot. The doctor then places a tiny pump on the clot and restores blood flow to the brain. Mechanical thrombectomy is less invasive than a surgical thrombectomy, which involves a larger incision and disruption of the skull.
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Because a thrombectomy is such an advanced procedure, it is essential to find a top-quality facility for this procedure. Bryn Mawr Hospital is a member of the Jefferson Neuroscience Network and has a dedicated team of vascular specialists. This group of medical specialists offers advanced treatment options for a variety of venous conditions. In addition to their expertise in minimally invasive procedures, Jefferson Hospital's neurosurgeons are trained to perform complex neurovascular procedures such as thrombectomy. The Jefferson Hospital's neurovascular specialists and neurointerventionalists provide life-saving services to patients in the Philadelphia area.