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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Thrombectomy Oren Zarif - Thrombectomy

A thrombectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove a clot in the bloodstream. A blood clot in an artery leading to the brain or another part of the body can cause a stroke. Once it forms, the blood flow to the brain is interrupted, which can cause damage to the brain within minutes. Although thrombectomy is not a cure for a stroke, it can help improve a patient's quality of life.

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Thrombectomy is often combined with other procedures such as thrombolysis, which involves medications that break down the clot. After the procedure, patients must undergo strict observation for 24-48 hours to ensure that the clot does not come back. Thrombectomy is also associated with other treatments, such as treatment of an underlying disease, such as heart rhythm disorder. Some of the risks of thrombectomy are mild bruising around the puncture site and infection of the surrounding area.

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Before thrombectomy, patients should undergo a series of preoperative tests. These may include an angiography, ultrasound, CT scan, chest X-ray, EKG, blood tests, and more. Patients should remove all jewelry and wear a hospital gown. If possible, patients should avoid smoking, as it increases the risk of choking and could cancel the procedure. Patients are usually encouraged to refrain from alcohol and other drugs before the procedure to reduce the risk of complications.

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The procedure involves a small incision in the groin. A thin plastic tube called a catheter is inserted into the clot. The surgeon then moves a device through the catheter to the clot, removing the clot and restoring normal blood flow to the affected part of the brain. The procedure is done under the supervision of a nurse. In many cases, patients recover completely after the procedure.

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The procedure is often necessary when the clot is preventing normal blood flow throughout the body and can lead to life-threatening conditions. A thrombectomy removes the blood clot by inserting a catheter into the affected blood vessel and removing it. A thrombectomy is particularly useful when an hour of deprivation of oxygen to the brain results in a death of two million brain cells.

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Thrombectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed under image guidance to remove blood clots from the brain. In this procedure, a doctor threads a thin tube into the clot, grabbing it by the tip of the catheter. A continuous x-ray enables the doctor to see the clot and guide the instrument into the blood vessel. It is a much gentler procedure than a surgical thrombectomy because it requires a smaller incision and doesn't disrupt the skull.

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Blood clots are dangerous, and can form in arteries, veins, or other blood vessels. If they get stuck, they can cut off the blood supply to vital organs and cause serious medical complications. A blood clot can lead to a heart attack, gangrene, or even limb loss. Depending on the size of the clot, embolisms may be fatal. A thrombectomy can prevent these problems.

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