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What is Thromboscopy? Oren Zarif - Thrombectomy

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A thrombectomy is a medical procedure performed to remove a blood clot. The procedure involves a catheter being threaded into the blood vessel and a balloon is attached to keep the walls of the blood vessel open. After the clot is removed, the doctor will repair the blood vessel and close the incision. Afterward, the incision will be bandaged and closed. This procedure is usually performed during an emergency.

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Patients suffering from an acute ischemic stroke may be candidates for thrombectomy as it can help reverse damage to the brain and potentially prevent the development of permanent disabilities. Earlier, surgical thrombectomy was needed within six hours after a stroke. However, new guidelines extend this timeframe to include patients who had their stroke while sleeping and woke up with symptoms. This treatment improves quality of life and can restore normal function to the patient.

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Patients may undergo catheter-directed thrombolysis during a first procedure, followed by regular thrombolysis treatments. After thrombolysis, patients must remain under close observation for at least 24 hours. A second procedure called pharmaco-mechanical thrombectomy is performed after thrombolysis, in which medication is used to dissolve the blood clot. This procedure is less invasive than traditional open surgery, requiring only a small nick in the skin, resulting in a shorter hospital stay. It also offers benefits like quicker symptom relief, less time spent in the intensive care unit, and lower costs.

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The procedure takes one to three hours. If your relative is unable to give consent, they may be given sedative drugs. This is to calm them down, as restlessness is a common symptom of a stroke. If the procedure is difficult for the patient, the doctors may opt for a different procedure. If the clot has weakened the blood vessels, the thrombectomy may not be successful.

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Although tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) can help break down blood clots in a stroke patient, it is not a 100% effective solution. Sometimes a mechanical thrombectomy is necessary to improve the patient's long-term outcome. Mechanical thrombectomy allows patients to stay closer to home, which improves their chances of recovery and helps them remain independent for longer periods of time.

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Thrombectomy is a common surgical procedure that is usually reserved for the treatment of serious cases of blood clots. The procedure involves an incision in the blood vessel. The blood clot is removed, and the blood vessel is repaired to restore normal blood flow. After the procedure, a balloon may be inserted to maintain the blood vessel open. If the blood clot is in the leg, arm, or organ, the doctor may perform a surgical thrombectomy to prevent damage to the nearby tissues.

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A thrombectomy is performed to remove a clot from a large vein. Thrombectomy is usually a complication of deep vein thrombosis, a common but potentially life-threatening disease. Patients who have this condition often have no symptoms, but they can develop a life-threatening condition called pulmonary embolism if a clot travels to the lungs.

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There are many different types of thrombectomy procedures, and each one involves a unique technique to remove the blood clots from the brain. Mechanical thrombectomy involves making a small incision in the groin. The doctor then threads a thin catheter through the blood vessels to the clot, using a wire-mesh device to trap it. The procedure is less invasive and safer than the traditional surgical thrombectomy.

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After a thrombectomy, patients will spend several hours in the recovery room. A healthcare team will monitor their vital signs during this time. They may be hospitalized for a day or more. They will likely need to take pain medication and blood-clot medicines. If they experience any pain afterward, they may need to go to a rehabilitation center. The recovery process can take several hours, and patients may be required to take a blood-clot medicine for a short period of time.

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