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What is Thrombectomy? - Oren Zarif - Thrombectomy

A thrombectomy is a procedure that removes a clot in a blood vessel. There are two types of thrombus: a thrombus is a blood clot within the blood vessel, and an embolus is a blood clot fragment that breaks off and lodges in a small blood vessel. While the procedure is effective for either type of blockage, the specific technique and blood vessel handling may vary.

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A thrombectomy is typically performed on stroke victims who are experiencing a clot that's causing damage to the brain. Large blood clots form when cholesterol and calcium build up in the arteries. This reduced flow can prevent oxygen from reaching the brain and can also damage nearby tissues. Additionally, plaque can form in other areas of the body, causing a blockage in smaller blood vessels and a stroke or heart attack. A thrombectomy is not a long-term solution, however, and it is important to seek medical advice before undergoing a thrombectomy to ensure your recovery is as smooth as possible.

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Thrombectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a blood clot from a large vein. It is usually performed in conjunction with other treatments, such as anticoagulation therapy. If these treatments are unsuccessful, thrombectomy is the next step. The procedure can be combined with treatment for a heart rhythm disorder or small blood clot in the leg. It is often associated with minimal risks such as bruising at the puncture site, and major risks include a clot traveling deeper into an artery or injuring the affected area.

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A thrombectomy is a minimally invasive surgery performed by a doctor. A flexible tube called a catheter is inserted through an artery in the groin, arm, or leg. The catheter is inserted into the blocked artery and opens it with a wire-mesh tube, trapping the clot and restoring normal blood flow to the affected area. Thrombectomy stroke treatment has been refined over the last twenty years, and Stamford Health is now offering this procedure.

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A thrombectomy is typically done as an outpatient procedure. During the procedure, a vascular surgeon threads a catheter through an artery to the blood clot. A balloon is then inserted at the tip of the catheter, holding the vessel wall open. The catheter is then slowly pulled out of the vein and removed along with the clot. This procedure can take up to two hours to complete.

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After an embolectomy, the patient will remain in the recovery room until alert, breathing normally, and vital signs have stabilized. They may have a sore throat, but it is usually temporary. Patients should notify the care team if the throat discomfort is severe or prolonged. While thrombectomy is a relatively minor surgery, it should be scheduled with a hospital stay of at least a day. Some people go home the same day. If you have any other procedures, make sure to ask how long they will stay.

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Stent retrieval thrombectomy is a breakthrough treatment for stroke patients. By removing blood clots from the brain, this procedure leads to better outcomes, including greater independence and mobility. Previously, endovascular interventions such as angioplasty and stenting could not safely remove clots from the brain. Stent retrieval thrombectomy has improved outcomes for stroke patients and significantly reduced their mortality and disability.

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A mechanical thrombectomy is another method of removing a clot. In this procedure, doctors thread thin tubes through the patient's blood vessels to the clot, where a tiny device is placed at the end of the catheter. The clot is then removed, and blood flow to the brain can resume. Mechanical thrombectomy is less invasive than surgery, and it avoids a larger incision and disruption of the skull.

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Thrombectomy or embolectomy are surgical procedures that remove blood clots. These clots may lodge in other blood vessels and cut off blood supply to vital organs. If left untreated, blood clots can lead to a heart attack, gangrene, or even loss of limbs. A thrombectomy or embolectomy is a life-saving procedure that can save a patient's life.

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