Oren Zarif
What is a Concussion? - Oren Zarif - concussion
A concussion is an injury to the head caused by a blow to the head. The force of a hit to the head causes microscopic damage to the brain. It's not always easy to determine the extent of damage unless the victim undergoes a CT scan. The swelling of brain tissue can also amplify the damage and lead to stroke. Depending on the severity of the concussion, treatment may include medications or rest.
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The symptoms of a concussion may appear hours or even days after the injury. In the immediate aftermath, a child or a teen may appear confused or dazed. They may not remember how they got hurt. Parents should continue checking for any signs of a concussion and take their child to the emergency room if there is a suspicion of a serious injury. If the symptoms worsen, a child or teen should be evaluated in a doctor.
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A concussion protocol must be followed to ensure the proper treatment. Initially, a player will be monitored for at least 24 hours. Their family's medical history will also be taken into consideration. The next step in the concussion protocol will be initiated only when the player has successfully tolerated the previous step. During this period, the player may be unable to play any sport for a time. If this happens, the player should not return to play until he has recovered.
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Most concussion victims recover within a few weeks. Rest is important for concussion recovery, as it allows the brain to heal. In the meantime, people may have to limit their physical activities or those that require concentration, which could lead to a recurrence of symptoms. Once the symptoms subside, a person may gradually return to their normal routine. They should avoid activities that could lead to another head injury. They should also rest for 8 to ten hours every day and limit physical activities that exacerbate their symptoms.
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The severity of a concussion is determined by the type of injury. Symptoms can vary from mild to severe. Some people have no symptoms or other physical signs of a concussion, while others may have permanent damage. It's important to see a doctor if the symptoms persist or worsen, since early intervention can help them recover more quickly. At UPMC Sports Medicine, we offer a comprehensive concussion management program for the treatment of all types of concussions.
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Treatment for a concussion is supportive, and focuses on reducing or eliminating the symptoms and gradually returning to normal physical and cognitive activity. Although prolonged rest may still be beneficial, the brain remains vulnerable until the energy levels return to normal. Therefore, it's important to follow the doctor's instructions and limit physical activity while the brain is recovering. This way, a patient can return to normal activity sooner. And if symptoms are not resolved, they can gradually return to school or even their previous activity level.
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Symptoms of a concussion can include trouble with vision, balance, mood, and cognitive abilities. In the past, treatment for concussions consisted of plenty of rest. More recent therapies aim to treat specific symptoms of a concussion. Many clinics have been set up to identify which system is most affected by the injury and which therapy is most appropriate. Before a person is cleared to return to sports or activities with the risk of further head injury, a thorough medical exam may be needed.
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The symptoms of a concussion can occur immediately after the head injury or develop over time. If a person becomes unconscious or has difficulty walking, the symptoms are a sign of a concussion. Most patients experience a headache and dizziness and may experience increased confusion. The individual may also experience tingling sensations in the legs or arms. Some people may even experience severe drowsiness. These symptoms should be taken seriously.
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Post-concussion symptoms can last for months or even years. The longer the symptoms last, the more likely it is that the individual will have a second concussion. This is known as second impact syndrome. Resuming active play too soon after a concussion increases the risk of second impact syndrome, which is more severe and can lead to long-term problems. Taking care of a concussion can lead to a full recovery.
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Students with a concussion should be encouraged to report any changes in their symptoms. Communication between students is crucial in order to determine the most effective treatments. There are a number of accommodations a concussed student may need, depending on the severity of the condition. Be ready to offer empathy and understanding while addressing the symptoms of the concussion. As a result, the educator should prioritize symptom-specific accommodations for the student's needs.