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  • Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Returning to School After a Concussion - Oren Zarif - Concussion

If you're a student, you may be wondering how to return to school after suffering a concussion. You need to take a few days off, and you should only return to school if you are completely symptom free and can tolerate your normal workload. You should also get plenty of rest, and consult with your health care provider. A doctor will need to check your brain and memory, and will likely administer a few tests to make sure you're in good shape to play.

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Although symptoms of concussion typically start within 24 hours, they can take up to 3 weeks to develop. It's best to go to an emergency room if you suspect you've sustained a serious injury. Minor head injuries, however, can be treated at home. Common symptoms include a headache, nausea, dizziness, and trouble answering basic questions. You may also feel dizzy or ill, or move in an unnatural way. Although concussions can be life-threatening, 90% of patients recover within seven to 10 days.

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Symptoms of concussion can develop into other problems, including trouble speaking, walking, and making eye contact. You may also feel memory problems, or even have trouble concentrating. In some cases, a doctor may even order a brain scan to check for any possible injuries. You'll also need to be aware of your family's concerns. Depending on the type of concussion, a health care provider may ask questions about your symptoms and the type of injury you've experienced.

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A doctor specializing in brain disorders may also perform a concussion assessment. A neuropsychologist evaluates the brain through tests of the mental functions of patients. While the results of a neurologic examination are usually normal, it's advisable to consult a doctor before returning to play sports or other activities with potential contact or further head injury. The first few days following a concussion are crucial. However, your doctor will likely recommend a course of treatment and rehabilitation.

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Generally, people recover from a concussion with rest. It is important to take plenty of rest, including mental rest. In addition to resting, you may also need to avoid activities that require concentration. Eventually, you'll be able to return to normal activities. A physician will help you determine a return date that is best for you. You should also consult with a mental health professional about returning to physical activities.

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A blow to the head may cause microscopic brain damage, which is not visible on a CT scan. Moreover, if the blow is severe enough, brain tissue may swell, compressing the brain and blood vessels. Insufficient blood flow may lead to a stroke or a more serious injury. A patient should not compete until all symptoms have cleared up and he or she feels like himself again. You should consult your health care provider immediately if you suspect that you've suffered from a concussion.

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A concussion is a mild form of traumatic brain injury. The effects of a concussion may be short-term or long-term. The symptoms of concussion range from headaches to nausea, sleep disturbances, and fatigue. Symptoms can also include mood changes and confusion. The signs and symptoms of a concussion are often difficult to diagnose. Luckily, early diagnosis and treatment can dramatically improve recovery times.

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Symptoms of concussion include sensitivity to light and sound, and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms can last for several days or even longer, as the brain gets more used to the injury. Headache, dizziness, and loss of consciousness are the main signs of a concussion and should be evaluated immediately. You should also expect to lose consciousness and difficulty walking. If you've experienced a concussion, you may also experience numbness, confusion, and tingling in your arms or legs.

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Although it is not always clear what caused a concussion, researchers have determined that the brain undergoes rapid acceleration and deceleration when it sustains a head impact. A concussion does not occur when a person hits their head; rather, a sudden acceleration of the brain inside the skull results in a change in mental status. The brain then begins to suffer cellular stretching, resulting in an altered sense of awareness and memory.

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Once the symptoms of a concussion have subsided, the patient should start to gradually return to normal activity. Most patients recover from a concussion within a few days, but you should seek care from a clinician who is trained to deal with this condition. A return to sports after a concussion is not recommended because it increases your risk for long-term problems. There are many ways to recover from a concussion, including physical therapy and medication.

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