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  • Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Risks of Thrombectomy Oren Zarif - Thrombectomy

There are many risks associated with thrombectomy. If you are undergoing this procedure, you should understand the risks and how to reduce them. The risks depend on your health, the size of the clot, and the location of the clot. Some patients are not candidates for this procedure. Patients who are candidates may benefit from thrombolysis or catheter-directed thrombolysis. Both methods may have some side effects, but both are safe and effective.

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Although the procedure is not a cure for clots, it may help you recover faster from a stroke. In fact, the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association have included it in their standard treatment protocols for patients with ischemic stroke. Neurointerventional radiologist Keith Woodward, MD, has been performing thrombectomy procedures for 10 years. In addition, the procedure can lead to serious tissue damage.

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During the procedure, patients are under general anesthesia. This combination of IV medications and gas puts patients in a deep sleep. As a result, the patient does not feel any pain. During the recovery process, patients will usually spend several hours in a recovery room. They may also be required to take pain medication for a short period of time. After the surgery, the patient will be monitored closely by a healthcare team.

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Another option for treating a blood clot is through surgery. During this procedure, the doctor will make an incision into the affected blood vessel and remove the clot. He will also repair the blood vessel and improve blood flow. A balloon may also be placed in the blood vessel to keep it open. A surgical thrombectomy may be recommended for patients with severe blood clots and who cannot tolerate nonsurgical treatment.

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A thrombectomy is a type of cardiac surgery that removes blood clots from the heart. This procedure is most effective for people who have had a stroke, or those who have undergone a heart attack or circulatory arrest. It is often used to treat a stroke because the blood flow is blocked in an artery, cutting off oxygen and nutrients to the brain. When a large blood clot is formed, it may prevent the blood flow from the brain and result in death.

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Thrombectomy is performed by a vascular specialist. The doctor threads a thin plastic tube through a vein to a portion of the clot. The doctor will then insert a thin tube or balloon into the clot to clear it out. The catheter will be inflated with a small balloon and the clot will be removed with it. The patient will need to stay in the hospital following thrombectomy.

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A thrombectomy is a very effective way to remove a blood clot. Sometimes, the clot is lodged in another blood vessel and prevents the blood from reaching organs. This can lead to a heart attack or gangrene or even loss of limbs. While this procedure is effective, it requires anesthesia. It should be performed by a board-certified surgeon. There are several risks involved in this procedure, but the results are worth it.

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Mechanical thrombectomy is another method to remove blood clots from the brain. The procedure involves a small incision in the groin. The doctor will then thread thin tubes through the arteries that surround the clot. A tiny device at the tip of the catheter will then grab the clot, re-establishing normal blood flow to the brain. This method is gentler on the body than surgical thrombectomy, as it avoids making a large incision and disrupting the skull.

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