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Recovery From a Concussion - Oren Zarif - Concussion

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A concussion is a type of brain injury that is often accompanied by altered mental status. The brain experiences trauma that affects its normal functions, including memory, judgment, reflexes, speech, and balance. While 90% of concussions do not result in loss of consciousness, the majority can be diagnosed if an injury is severe enough to affect these functions. A normal imaging study can identify concussion, but if the symptoms last for more than seven days, they may be the sign of a more severe injury.

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The symptoms of a concussion can get worse over time, and you should seek medical treatment as soon as you feel well enough to return to school. You will probably need to take a few days off from class and have a light schedule to begin the healing process. Depending on your symptoms, recovery time can range from a few days to a few months. In rare cases, symptoms may persist for months. If you notice symptoms lasting longer than three months, you may have postconcussion syndrome. Talk with your health care provider about what to do in the meantime.

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A doctor may suggest physical therapy if you feel symptoms related to concussion. You may also benefit from a soft foam neck brace. In some cases, a doctor may recommend injections of lidocaine or steroids to alleviate pain caused by the concussion. Depending on your condition, the healthcare provider may recommend a physical therapy program or other treatment. In the meantime, you should be getting plenty of rest.

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Aside from medical treatment, sports coaches, athletic trainers, school nurses, and parents can ask questions about whether a player has suffered a concussion. It is essential that they understand how to recognize signs of concussion and take steps to prevent further injuries. You will also be able to teach others how to identify concussion in the first place. This can help raise awareness amongst their peers and improve sportsmanship.

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Symptoms of concussion can be permanent or temporary, and can include changes in the way your brain functions. Symptoms of a concussion will likely last between one and six weeks unless you seek medical treatment. Recovery from a concussion requires time, and requires physical and cognitive rest. A trained clinical neuropsychologist can help you determine whether you are able to return to physical activities. However, it is important to seek medical advice before returning to exercise after a concussion, as the brain will not recover as quickly as it had before.

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The symptoms of concussion may be accompanied by discharge from the nose or ears, unresponsiveness of the eyes, and swelling of the head or neck. A CT scan is not recommended for a diagnosis of concussion because the images will not show any significant changes. Moreover, these imaging studies expose patients to unnecessary radiation, which can worsen the underlying condition. Your doctor will also ask you about the type of injury and examine your child's range of motion, balance, eye movements, and neurocognitive ability.

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Treatment for concussion includes plenty of rest and mental relaxation. You should limit physical activities and avoid tasks requiring concentration for a few days. You may also have to avoid certain activities until the symptoms go away. Once the symptoms subside, you can slowly return to normal activities. It is important to seek medical advice if your symptoms recur. But be sure to keep in mind that you should never drive while undergoing concussion treatment.

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A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. Most often, it occurs after a blow to the head or body that causes the head to shake violently. While a concussion may be mild, it can cause permanent damage to the brain's tissue and can affect the chemicals in the brain. More than 50% of concussions happen to children. Children are particularly prone to suffering concussions due to sports.

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Aside from avoiding high-risk sports, it is also important to limit screen time and loud music before bedtime. You can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen if needed. Slowly return to your regular activities, preferably on a smaller scale. For example, you can walk for a few days or watch TV for a few days before you resume your normal activity. If you are unable to complete your regular activities during this time, it is best to seek medical advice as soon as possible.

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While a concussion may appear to be mild, it is important to seek medical care immediately after sustaining one. A single concussion should not cause lasting damage, but a second can be permanently disabling. You should consult with a physician for any further testing or treatment if you notice any symptoms. There is no cure for concussion, but a proper diagnosis can help you avoid a serious injury.

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