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Physical Therapy for Concussion and the Cervical Spine - Oren Zarif - Concussion

Physical therapy is a key part of treating concussion and the cervical spine. Physical therapists often use a soft foam neck brace to immobilize the head and neck. In addition to physical therapy, doctors may also prescribe ice packs, lidocaine injections, or injections of steroid medication. If your symptoms persist for several days after a concussion, your health care provider will be able to offer you more information or refer you to other resources.

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Once you are able to play again, you should start slowly and gradually. Do not engage in strenuous activity, especially sports, for at least a week. Your health care provider will help you determine a safe return to play schedule. Your health care provider will also work with your school team to determine when you can return to your previous activities. In general, you should avoid participating in vigorous physical activities until your health care provider approves it.

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Acute concussion evaluation begins with a thorough assessment of consciousness. If the concussion victim is unconscious, it is assumed that a cervical spine injury has occurred. A conscious concussion victim may be asked to describe what is going on in their current situation. Depending on their symptoms, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive assessment of their symptoms. Once a diagnosis is made, treatment can begin. It is important to follow treatment instructions carefully to avoid further damage.

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Symptoms of concussion can range from temporary to long-term and can include problems with speech, balance, coordination, memory, and memory. Returning to the game before you have fully recovered may lead to a brain hemorrhage, which can cause death. Hence, it is important for an athlete to stay off the field until the symptoms are completely gone and you feel like yourself again. The longer an athlete stays out of the game, the more likely he or she is to suffer long-term problems.

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Repeated head injuries without symptoms increase the risk of a second concussion. A second concussion can lead to second impact syndrome, which can cause severe swelling of the brain and cause death. Therefore, it is critical to limit physical activity until the brain has completely recovered. This is because the brain is more vulnerable to a second blow. For this reason, a gradual return to physical activity is advised. The first week after a concussion is the best time for an athlete to begin the recovery process.

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While many individuals believe that the symptoms of concussion include loss of consciousness, this is not the case. In fact, many people never lose consciousness after a concussion. A brain scan can diagnose the condition and rule out a more serious injury. Once your brain is scanned, your doctor will be able to determine if you have suffered a concussion and provide the proper treatment. It can be an uncomfortable process but most people recover completely and go back to their usual activities without any problems.

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Symptoms of a concussion may start immediately after a head injury or may develop slowly over several days. Your doctor will likely prescribe rest, but it is equally important to consult with a health care professional after the injury. If the symptoms persist, you should consult a physician right away. The treatment of concussion is largely dependent on the severity of the injury. It is important to note that some concussions are mild, and a second one can lead to permanent damage.

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Although a CT scan may help determine if you have suffered a concussion, it is a poor way to diagnose a head injury. The CT scan may reveal structural changes, but they are not always significant enough to indicate a concussion. Instead, doctors should rely on your own experience and report any unusual experiences you might have after your concussion. When you are able to explain the circumstances of your injury, your doctor will be able to determine whether your symptoms are a concussion or not.

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While concussions are not a serious injury, it is a common occurrence in sports and other activities. A recent study in the Journal of Pediatrics suggests that 36% of high school sports injuries are caused by head trauma during practice. In particular, cheerleading poses the greatest risk. Teenagers are especially susceptible to concussions; a survey by the CDC found that 2.5 million teenagers had a concussion in 2017 and one million of them suffered two or more.

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