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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Cerebellar Stroke Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Cerebellar Stroke

Cerebellar stroke symptoms are milder than those of other types of stroke, and they may be more difficult to distinguish. Because they overlap with symptoms of other conditions, cerebellar stroke is often misdiagnosed. This delays treatment and increases the risk for permanent impairment. The following information can help you recognize the signs and symptoms of cerebellar stroke. The symptoms of cerebellar stroke may include:

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In the early stages of cerebellar stroke, you may experience loss of coordination, clumsiness, intention tremor, dysarthria, and slurred speech. Other symptoms may include memory loss and motor planning problems. A doctor should order a brain scan if you experience any of these symptoms. However, it's also important to note that cerebellar stroke patients often have nonspecific neurological symptoms, and may not seek treatment until they develop severe signs or symptoms.

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The first step in treatment of cerebellar stroke involves admission to a neurologic intensive care unit for 72 to 96 hours. Neurological nurses should closely monitor the patient and perform frequent reexaminations. If a patient is stable at this stage, they may be discharged home or transferred to a rehabilitation unit. Patients who develop further neurological deficits should undergo continuous monitoring for up to 6 months. This is essential because the patient's condition could deteriorate again.

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While cerebellar hemorrhage and infarction have similar clinical signs, the morbidity of the condition is higher in cases with large ischemic territories. Early detection and treatment have reduced cerebellar hemorrhage and infarction morbidity. Delayed diagnosis and treatment may result in cerebral edema and even death. Cerebellar hemorrhage and infarction can also lead to brainstem compression and hydrocephalus.

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Reactive cerebral edema is a major problem in cerebellar stroke. The cerebellum sits in a relatively tight cranial space between the tentorium cerebelli and the occipital bone. It sits above the fourth ventricle, which is where edema can cause direct brainstem compression. When the cerebellum swells, the patient may deteriorate and be in a coma within hours.

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Physical therapy may be required. Physical therapists will prescribe specific exercises for balance and core strength. Daily exercises may also help to improve problem areas. Speech and cognitive therapy are also available for patients with cerebellar stroke. Physical therapy can help a person with language difficulties. A Speech-Language Pathologist will perform an evaluation of your cerebellar stroke symptoms and create a personalized exercise program. Cognitive training may also help with executive functions and memory. There are even some apps available for these purposes.

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While there is currently no cure for cerebellar stroke, the presence of a deteriorating complication is often an early indicator of a complication of the brainstem. Other causes of deteriorating cerebellar stroke include brainstem compression, or occlusion of the cerebral aqueduct. Acute cerebellar stroke can be devastating and even fatal. During recovery, ask the right questions to avoid complications. You will learn what to expect during the rehabilitation process and what to expect from a stroke.

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The time of onset and progression of symptoms can help your physician make a diagnosis. If symptoms begin within minutes and last for hours or days, they are likely to be benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. However, if they last for days or weeks, the patient should be evaluated for the possibility of a posterior fossa mass. If the symptoms last longer than a few days, they could be a sign of a cerebellar stroke.

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Although cerebellar stroke is rare, it is important to recognize it as soon as possible after symptoms appear. Acute cerebellar stroke accounts for approximately 3% of all hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. Because its symptoms are subtle and may not be accurately diagnosed by standard clinical stroke scales, it is difficult to identify early and accurately diagnose the condition. However, certain imaging findings may help in timely neurosurgical intervention.

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The symptoms of cerebellar stroke include depression, apathy, and anxiety. These symptoms significantly affect the functional outcome of patients and their quality of life. Although there are many different causes for cerebellar stroke, it is unclear whether a specific brain injury contributes to the development of these symptoms. But recent neuroimaging studies and clinical research have linked cerebellar lesions to mood disorders. That suggests that there is an increased risk of developing psychosis and depression in cerebellar stroke patients.

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Although the symptoms of cerebellar stroke generally diminish after days or weeks, many survivors may continue to struggle with long-term deficits. It is essential to know how to treat this condition quickly. The sooner you treat it, the better the chance of recovery. It is best to discuss all treatment options with your physician before proceeding with any treatments. Healthline Natural offers innovative health tips that may help you overcome the symptoms of cerebellar stroke. This article provides information on the effects of cerebellar stroke and other forms of the disorder.

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