Cerebellar Stroke - Oren Zarif - Cerebellar Stroke
A physician who has diagnosed a patient with a cerebellar stroke should keep a close eye on their condition. While the symptoms of cerebellar stroke are not always specific, the presentation of a cerebellar stroke depends on the location and extent of the lesion. A thorough neurological examination and history are the keys to diagnosing the condition. A patient with cerebellar stroke should be admitted to a neurological intensive care unit for 72 to 96 hours. Once they are stable, they are likely to recover without further disability.
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Occupational therapy can be an invaluable tool for a person who has suffered a cerebellar stroke. It can help regain some of the basic skills that are crucial to life. For example, vision training is an excellent way to help a patient regain part of their sight. Vision training involves engaging in specific eye exercises that stimulate the brain and help it better process visual input. The exercises can help patients regain some of their lost abilities, including the ability to speak and move their arms.
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The presence of a border zone between the three main cerebral perfusion territories may also contribute to cerebellar stroke. Studies on the size of small cerebellar infarcts have suggested that occlusion of small arteries may be a prerequisite to the pathogenesis of small cerebellar infarct. These studies do not address the role of low flow in cerebellar stroke. But they are a valuable tool for the clinical diagnosis of cerebellar stroke.
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Despite its name, a vascular event of the cerebellum can cause significant deterioration in a patient's condition. In some cases, a cerebellar hematoma may lead to coma or extensive brainstem infarction. However, when an acute cerebellar stroke is the cause of a coma, a patient with a high risk of developing the condition should undergo urgent surgery if possible.
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The German-Austrian Cerebellar Infarction Study examined 84 patients in a multicenter prospective study. Although treatment protocols were left to the discretion of the treating physician, a patient's state of consciousness was found to be a strong predictor of clinical outcomes. Rankin scores of two at 3 months post-stroke were considered a "good outcome" in this study. However, Jauss et al. noted that awake patients were more likely to have a good outcome.
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Another clue to the possible occurrence of a cerebellar stroke is the presence of non-specific neurological symptoms. Symptoms of cerebellar stroke may range from subtle tremors to severe difficulty with coordination. The patient may have no symptoms at all, or may only experience some of them. Symptoms of a cerebellar stroke depend on the size and location of the infarct. It is recommended to see a doctor immediately if the symptoms continue or worsen.
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A patient may present with a variety of symptoms, including comatose or an involuntary movement. However, a careful neurological examination may help differentiate a cerebellar infarction from a hematoma. A large hematoma could compress the brain stem and cause cerebellar herniation. In such cases, surgery may be necessary to relieve the coma and restore the patient's condition to normal.
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A patient with a cerebellar stroke may exhibit several symptoms that point to a clot forming in a blood vessel leading to the cerebellum. Blood clots may travel from other parts of the body and become trapped in the blood vessel. Some head trauma or hemorrhage may also result in cerebellar stroke. In either case, a blood clot can interrupt the normal blood flow and increase pressure within the brain.
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A 47-year-old man with diabetes and hypertension developed symptoms of vertigo, nausea, clumsiness, and tinnitus. He also experienced a pronounced decrease in balance and had right hemi-numbness. The symptoms persisted for 10 days, but later improved. A patient with risk factors for vascular disease should undergo an MRI to rule out a cerebellar infarct.
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The posterior lobe and the anterior lobe of the cerebellum are located in a posterior-superior relationship. Lobule VI is located between the anterior and posterior lobes and is believed to play a middle-ground role in motor and nonmotor functions. The anterior and posterior lobes are grouped together in the limbic region of the cerebellum. This arrangement of the brain's regions helps us understand the mechanism of cerebellar stroke.
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Cerebellar stroke is one of the less common forms of a stroke. A blood vessel clots the cerebellum and disrupts the function of the cerebellum. A cerebellar stroke often affects just one side of the cerebellum, but may also involve the entire brain. A stroke in the cerebellum can result in impairments in the left side of the brain. For example, a patient who suffers a cerebellar stroke may have impaired vision.