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What to Do If You Suffer a Head Injury - Oren Zarif - Head Injury

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A severe head injury may involve damage to other parts of the body, including the neck, arms and legs. It can also result in injuries to major organs in the body. When a person is struck by a head injury, they are often unconscious or barely responsive. Some may even become agitated or have seizures. If possible, the patient should be given a thorough medical evaluation. Here are some things to look for. - Does the person remember the activity that caused the injury?

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- Stay away from alcohol, sedatives, and other drugs for at least 24 hours. A person may experience nausea or vomiting after a head injury. If this happens, the person should not be alone for several days. Afterward, they should visit their doctor. If the head injury is severe, the patient may be placed in the hospital. The treatment for the injury depends on the cause and the type of brain damage. Some people may require anti-seizure medication, but aspirin can cause bleeding inside the head.

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Another type of head injury is known as diffuse axonal injury. It results when the brain is hit against the inside of the skull. The brain jolts backwards, causing the axons in the white matter to be twisted. If the brain is jarred against the skull, internal tissue and blood vessels can become damaged, resulting in bruising and swelling. If the child sustains a head injury, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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Patients who have sustained a head injury may have no symptoms at the time of their accident. If you are unsure if you have suffered a head injury, bring along a witness so a medical professional can properly assess your condition. A doctor will examine the victim's head and neck for signs of trauma, including bruising, swelling and brain damage. The doctor will also perform a neurological examination to check the condition of the brain and nervous system. The examination will include tests that test nerve function, muscle control, sensation and eye movement.

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A person should not return to their sport right after sustaining a head injury. A person may have a slow reaction time and be more likely to sustain another head injury. Repeat concussions can affect the recovery process and increase the risk of long-term problems. Further complications can develop if a person is forced to return to normal activities too early. This is why it is critical to consult your doctor right away if you are experiencing symptoms.

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A CT scan is another way to diagnose a head injury. This test uses radiofrequency waves and a magnetic field to produce detailed images of the brain. It helps doctors determine whether a fracture has occurred or if there is bleeding within the brain. It can also help determine the extent of the injury and determine what treatment should be given. The doctor may also perform a magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRI), which uses radio waves instead of X-rays.

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Depending on the severity of the injury, a TBI may be classified as simple or severe. If you sustain a mild TBI, your doctor may suggest minimal treatment, and your symptoms should resolve within a few weeks. However, if the TBI is severe, you may require more extensive treatment, including hospitalization. For example, you may have to undergo surgery to relieve pressure on your brain or reduce bleeding. Rehabilitation may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.

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While the brain is a soft organ, it is vulnerable to trauma. Traumatic injuries may knock it against your skull and facial bones, resulting in swelling or bleeding in the brain. A concussion is the most common type of head injury. A person may lose consciousness, though this is usually brief and followed by rapid recovery. If you have sustained a head injury, seek medical attention as soon as possible to avoid further complications. In addition to getting medical attention, you should also be sure to check your safety and mental alertness.

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A serious head injury may involve fractures in the skull. Luckily, the vast majority of these cases only result in a headache. But a minor head injury can cause brain swelling and damage to the brain's cells. A skull fracture is a break in the bone of the skull. In severe cases, bleeding can also occur within the brain, or even in the scalp. The majority of children will not experience any symptoms after a head injury.

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