What is Heart and Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Heart and Stroke
The Canadian charity, Heart and Stroke, rebranded itself in November 2016. Its mission is to raise awareness about the disease and fund research. Since its foundation in 1981, it has devoted over $700 million to research and advocacy. Heart and stroke is a leading cause of death and disability in Canada, and the new name gives it a more inclusive and welcoming image. But what is heart and stroke? What are its causes? Where can people get more information about it?
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TIA, or transient ischemic attack, is a temporary blockage of the arteries supplying blood to the brain. This condition produces the same symptoms as stroke, but the damage is not permanent. Those who have TIAs have a ten-fold increased risk of developing stroke. If you experience any of the symptoms of a TIA, you should see a doctor immediately. You should also control high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes.
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Heart and stroke symptoms are very similar, but the treatment for a stroke is much different. If you experience the symptoms of either, immediately seek medical care. While both conditions can be devastating, the right care can help you recover from the damage. When you know the signs, you can get the care you need to stop the damage. It's also vital to seek immediate medical attention as stroke is often the result of a heart attack. So, be sure to take the time to learn about these two conditions.
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In November 2016, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada rebranded to Heart & Stroke. The organization is committed to funding research, advocacy and education for people affected by heart and stroke. Learn about the latest advances in research. And join the growing movement to help find a cure for these illnesses. In Canada, heart disease is the leading cause of death and disability. A new heart attack claims one life every 40 seconds. Donate today to find out how you can help.
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A heart attack or stroke is a sudden blockage in the blood flow to the brain or heart. There are differences between the first aid treatments for both conditions, but early action can mean the difference between survival and complete disability. Taking immediate action can save a life. In addition, the right treatment can prevent severe damage or even death. It is important to remember that your time is precious. It is essential to seek medical assistance immediately after a heart attack or stroke.
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The most common type of stroke is ischemic. The cause is unknown, but it is characterized by a clot that blocks blood flow to the brain. A clot can form anywhere in the body, including the brain, and travel to the brain. This blockage prevents the brain from receiving adequate blood. It's estimated that 80% of all strokes are ischemic. Despite being similar, however, there are significant differences between the two conditions.
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The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, formerly known as HSF Canada, has changed its name to Heart & Stroke. This charity focuses on funding research, education, and advocacy for those affected by heart and stroke. To learn more about this new name, visit heartandstroke.ca. If you're in the mood to donate, you can find out more about the different programs offered by HSF Canada. Donations can also be used for research, which will help find new treatments for stroke and heart disease.
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A heart and stroke logo needed to convey a sense of urgency and seriousness, while at the same time being inviting and approachable. Many health charities are overly medical and appear friendly, which downplays the severity of the issues they address. Heart & Stroke needed a brand that was both modern and dynamic to inspire people to take action and support the cause. The result was a fresh, bold design that conveys both the organization's mission and the hope that lives within it.