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What is a Hemorrhagic Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Hemorrhagic Stroke

A hemorrhagic stroke is a type of stroke that occurs when blood from a brain artery suddenly leaks into the brain. This blood causes damage to parts of the brain and the accumulated blood puts pressure on the brain. Because the brain tissue is so fragile, early treatment is vital to minimizing damage. There are several common causes of hemorrhagic stroke, including arteriovenous malformations and high blood pressure.

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The exact symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke vary from person to person. Symptoms include difficulty walking, dizziness, and a loss of balance. Other symptoms include difficulty understanding speech or speaking, drooping arms or face, and time loss. Treatment for the stroke depends on the type of damage and the severity of the stroke. The goal is to restore the patient to normal function. The recovery period depends on how much tissue damage there is.

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If you suspect a person is having a hemorrhagic stroke, contact emergency services immediately. While you wait for help, observe the person very closely and be sure to get them medical attention as soon as possible. The Mayo Clinic offers free health information and expert advice on how to manage your health. You can contact them for more information at 1-800-272-7358. When in doubt, call 911. It is best to have a medical emergency in a local hospital.

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If you suspect a hemorrhagic stroke, your doctor will perform a CT scan or an MRI. These tests can help determine the type of stroke and the location of the bleeding. In severe cases, a lumbar puncture may also be performed. These tests can help confirm a diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment. If you suspect a hemorrhagic stroke, it is important to seek immediate medical attention and treatment to prevent further complications and widespread damage.

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Treatment for hemorrhagic stroke depends on the location, size and cause of the hemorrhage. Treatment for hemorrhagic stroke is focused on stabilizing vital signs and controlling bleeding in the brain. The medications prescribed may include antihypertensives, anticonvulsants, and osmotic diuretics to reduce the amount of blood circulating in the brain. The goal is to minimize any potential stroke recurrence and maximize the quality of life.

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There are several main signs and symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke. Some people may have trouble speaking or understanding speech, stiff neck, and even vomiting. Symptoms vary, but they all point to stroke. Stroke can lead to severe neurological problems, including difficulty with vision, speech, and even death. You should contact your doctor or the emergency room immediately. Your doctor will be able to determine if your symptoms are caused by a hemorrhagic stroke or not.

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Acute hemorrhagic stroke can be caused by a broken blood vessel in the brain. Other factors that increase the risk include high blood pressure, heavy alcohol consumption, advanced age, and drug use, including amphetamines and cocaine. A hemorrhagic stroke is the most dangerous type of a stroke, and it can lead to death. If you think you may be suffering from a hemorrhagic stroke, contact a SSM Health emergency room as soon as possible.

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Hemorrhagic stroke is the most common type of stroke, affecting approximately half of people. UT Southwestern Medical Center is the only Joint Commission-accredited Advanced Comprehensive Stroke Center in North Texas, which offers every available treatment for hemorrhagic stroke and can help to prevent it in the future. If you have a family member or loved one who has suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, be sure to get him to the nearest hospital as soon as possible. A physician will be able to diagnose the cause and provide the right treatment.

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Other possible causes of hemorrhagic stroke include cerebral amyloid angiopathy, a condition that weakens the brain's blood vessels and is associated with an increased risk of fatality. Some other causes of this type of stroke include aneurysms, which are tiny blood pouches that can rupture. Another common cause is a disorder called hemophilia. Other causes may include inherited blood vessel problems or a family history of hemorrhagic stroke.

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Hemorrhagic stroke is also known as intracerebral hemorrhage. It occurs when a blood vessel ruptures inside the brain, causing pressure to the brain. For best recovery, you should seek emergency medical attention and control your risk factors. There are many symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke that vary from person to person. Fortunately, symptoms usually occur within minutes or hours of the stroke.

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