What is a Contusion Cervical? - Oren Zarif - Contusion Cerebral
If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury, you may have been diagnosed with a contusion cerebral. A cerebral contusion can lead to a variety of symptoms, including headache, difficulty with memory, and problems with balance. Symptoms can appear immediately after the incident, or can take days, weeks, or months to develop. Although many people recover from these types of injuries without further complications, they are highly susceptible to additional injuries. To avoid further problems, consult with a doctor as soon as possible.
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Brain contusions can develop anywhere in the brain, but they typically occur in the frontal and temporal lobes. A contusion is a bruise on brain tissue caused by a series of ruptured or broken blood vessels. Trauma typically causes bruising and bleeding, which can extend into the subcortical white matter. In severe cases, hemorrhage can lead to increased intracranial pressure and eventually necrosis.
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Another type of brain injury is diffuse axonal injury. In these situations, the brain's white matter (neurons) are twisted by the impact. This swelling can increase pressure within the head, injuring parts of the brain that were not previously injured. It may take a few days for the swelling to clear, but it should be monitored closely. In some cases, a concussion may become worse before it's treated.
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A healthcare provider will perform a CT scan and place a small hollow device between the skull and the brain. This device can be inserted in the ICU or during surgery. Once inserted, it will connect to a monitor that constantly measures pressure within the skull. If the pressure in the skull increases, doctors can intervene quickly. In some cases, surgery is necessary to remove large blood clots or to relieve high intracranial pressure.
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Initial treatment for a cerebral contusion associated with TBI involves a team of healthcare professionals, including an emergency clinician, a trauma surgeon, a neurosurgeon, and an intensivist. Nurses will monitor vital signs and coordinate care. Other physicians may prescribe medication to help relieve symptoms immediately, such as anti-anxiety medications and anticoagulants. Muscle relaxants are also helpful. Modern technology has made it possible to detect a TBI before it becomes too late.
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The clot is often in the form of a hematoma, a clot formed from blood escaping the normal bloodstream. This clot is the body's way of stopping bleeding, and the symptoms of a hematoma vary depending on where it occurs. Subdural and epidural hematomas form between the skull and the brain's dura lining, while intracerebral hematomas occur deep within the brain's tissue. A clot reabsorbs over time, but if the clot is large, surgery may be necessary.
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The most common types of contusions include whiplash-type injuries, direct blows to the head, and hematomas. These injuries cause a bruising of the brain caused by a shockwave that affects the body's coup-countrecoup mechanism. These traumatic injuries can also cause damage to blood vessels and internal tissue. A bruising directly related to trauma is called a coup lesion. If the brain is injured, it can result in permanent damage.
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A physician can diagnose a contusion by conducting a physical examination and running diagnostic tests. They will also obtain a complete medical history, ask the patient questions about how the injury occurred, and take a full neuroimaging study to detect brain damage or bleeding. The symptoms of a cerebral contusion include vomiting, uncoordinated eye movements, and a decrease in consciousness. In severe cases, the patient may experience other neurological problems, such as loss of balance.
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Moreover, patients with CC combined with EDH are likely to suffer from a skull fracture, because the area surrounding the contusion is a rich blood supply. The removal of this compression may enhance the effect of treatment. Patients with CC in the temporal lobe, frontal lobe, and parietal lobe were included in the study. The statistical results revealed that there was no significant difference in the treatment between these two groups.
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CT scan is a diagnostic procedure that uses a computer and X-rays to create detailed images of the brain and other parts of the body. It shows fractures, bleeding, and other signs of brain injury. This test is usually performed shortly after the patient is injured. Patients who are intubated or are experiencing respiratory distress should undergo this test. A head computed tomography (CT) scan is recommended for patients with impairment of consciousness or focal neurologic findings. The results may reveal edema or multiple focal contusions. It also shows the bone window for skull fractures.