Oren Zarif
What Are TIA Symptoms? - Oren Zarif - TIA Symptoms
A TIA is a complication of stroke. It occurs when the blood supply to the brain is temporarily blocked. Its symptoms are typically transient, and you may experience difficulty speaking or moving one side of your body. If you've experienced a TIA, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Your physician will prescribe blood-thinning medication to reduce the risk of a stroke and to reduce the chance of another one. If your symptoms persist, you should take your medicine as prescribed.
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The first TIA symptom you should look for is weakness in one arm. Some people have difficulty lifting or moving both arms. Others may feel disoriented or have difficulty walking. These symptoms may go unnoticed for a few hours or months. Some people experience persistent residual symptoms for weeks or months. Symptoms include difficulty speaking, arm weakness, limb numbness, and memory problems. Some people experience all or some of these symptoms at once.
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TIA symptoms can be difficult to distinguish from stroke. If you think you are experiencing TIA symptoms, call your doctor immediately and get yourself to a hospital. Your health care provider may be able to diagnose the condition based on your medical history and other symptoms. Your doctor may perform a series of tests to rule out any underlying problems. However, it may be necessary to undergo a TIA test to confirm the condition.
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During the first 24 hours after a TIA, your doctor may recommend an emergency room visit. Your doctor may recommend imaging of your brain and blood vessels to determine the severity of the condition. After the scan, your doctor may prescribe antiplatelet therapy, which means taking medication to prevent new clots. A daily aspirin can lower your risk of having a stroke. Compared to other antiplatelet medications, aspirin is cheaper and less common, your doctor may prescribe clopidogrel. Moreover, it causes fewer side effects than other antiplatelet drugs.
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Most TIAs are caused by a blockage in a major artery feeding the brain. These arteries are prone to plaque buildup, and can become narrowed over time. As a result, blood clots form and travel to the brain. Blood clots can also form in arteries that are already clogged with plaque. Diabetes and high blood pressure are known risk factors for TIAs.
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A TIA is the warning sign of a larger stroke. Although TIA symptoms last only a few minutes, they can signal a more serious stroke. In fact, one-third of stroke sufferers also had a TIA before having a stroke. Because of this, it's critical to seek treatment as soon as possible. Your physician can prescribe the best course of treatment for TIA to prevent a stroke from recurring.
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The best way to prevent a TIA is to stop smoking. Smoking is a risk factor for TIAs. The risk of TIAs is greater in smokers and those who have poor blood flow. Those who have a smoking habit should stop using tobacco or other products that contain nicotine. They may be able to quit smoking once they learn that they have a TIA. It's also important to get regular blood pressure checks, as this can lead to a stroke.
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Besides avoiding smoking, limiting alcohol consumption is another preventive measure for TIA. Limiting alcohol and fat consumption is beneficial in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Increasing fruits and vegetables is another way to lower cholesterol levels. Eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly will help keep your blood pressure at a healthy level. Additionally, limiting sodium intake can reduce blood pressure. However, excessive salt intake may increase blood pressure, especially in sensitive people.