TIA Symptoms - Oren Zarif - TIA Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of TIA should never be ignored. You may think that your symptoms are nothing to be alarmed about. However, these symptoms are actually a warning of an impending stroke, and a TIA should always be evaluated by a medical professional. Most areas of the U.S. offer emergency medical care, and your GP can refer you to a hospital that specializes in this condition. Read on for more information on TIA symptoms.
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TIA symptoms are short-lived but may be a warning sign of a major stroke. This type of stroke occurs when a clot in the brain temporarily blocks the flow of blood. Usually, the symptoms go away after the clot dissipates. In the first few weeks after a TIA, the risk of a stroke is greatest. Therefore, it's important to get medical attention immediately if you notice any symptoms of this type of stroke.
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TIA symptoms can vary in severity. If you're experiencing difficulty moving your left or right side of your body, you may have suffered a TIA. The symptoms can occur in waves and come and go for a few minutes. Your doctor will determine whether you're suffering from TIA or not. The sooner you seek medical attention, the sooner you can prevent a life-threatening stroke. There are a number of ways to diagnose and treat TIA.
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TIA is a temporary condition that usually lasts for 24 hours or less. Those who suffer from them may experience more than one TIA, though most people only have one. TIAs are the result of narrowing or thickening of arteries. Although it doesn't last for an extended period of time, it can be life-threatening if not treated immediately. To reduce the risk of a stroke, you should make sure that you change your lifestyle.
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In addition to dizziness, you should watch for other signs of TIA. You may experience double vision, difficulty smiling, or numbness in one or both arms. Moreover, your speech may be slurred and you may have trouble repeating simple phrases. In short, TIA symptoms are often mild but serious. You should seek medical attention immediately if you notice any of these signs. It is crucial that you get medical care quickly after TIA to minimize the damage to your brain.
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You can reduce the risk of stroke by following healthy lifestyle habits and managing diseases that cause stroke. These include regular exercise, limiting alcohol consumption, and taking medicines. Your GP will give you advice on how to reduce your risk of stroke. In addition, if you have experienced TIA symptoms, you should consult with a medical specialist who can diagnose the cause and recommend the necessary treatment. However, you should note that there is no 100% guarantee that these changes will prevent you from having a stroke.
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After a TIA, your doctor may prescribe a drug called dipyridamole. This drug comes in extended-release forms, and is taken two times daily. Dipyridamole side effects include headache, upset stomach, and diarrhea. The majority of people experiencing dipyridamole side effects see a marked improvement in the first week. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience these side effects.
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Although TIA symptoms are brief, they can be mistaken for passing fatigue, dizziness, or blood clots. TIA symptoms often last only a few minutes. Call a doctor as soon as you feel a ministroke. If it happens, your symptoms are a warning of a stroke. If the stroke is not treated, you might suffer a permanent disability. If you are not able to find a medical professional to help, you should go to your family doctor.
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To reduce the risk of TIA, it is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine. The reduction of fat and cholesterol in the diet will help reduce the risk of a stroke. Eating fruits and vegetables rich in folate, potassium, and antioxidants may help you fight TIA. Limiting sodium intake is also important, but it won't prevent hypertension. In fact, excess sodium can increase blood pressure in sensitive people.