What Are TIA Symptoms? - Oren Zarif - TIA Symptoms
TIA is a condition in which a stroke-like condition strikes the brain. It can happen within minutes, hours, or days of TIA symptoms, so it is very important to seek medical help right away. Although TIA symptoms may be mild, they are critical warning signs that you should not ignore. Unfortunately, many people don't seek medical help for this condition, thinking that they will go away on their own.
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A TIA is caused by a blockage in a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain. Although most TIAs are not dangerous, the symptoms may last for minutes or a few hours. If not treated, TIAs can signal a stroke that could be devastating. TIAs aren't life-threatening, but they can be frightening. The signs and symptoms are similar to those of a stroke, including slurred speech and muscle weakness.
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Because TIA symptoms may seem like minor headaches, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. The signs and symptoms may pass on their own, but you should still seek medical help as soon as possible. The health care provider may refer you to a neurologist or ask you to wear a Holter monitor to monitor your heart rhythms over time. They'll do whatever they can to ensure that you are experiencing TIA symptoms and aren't experiencing a more serious condition.
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Although these symptoms may be temporary, many people report a lack of self-confidence and emotional change after a TIA. Some people report sensitivity to small things, while others reported feelings of depression and anxiety. Some even report tears. Many people report feeling lost and confused and experiencing loss of confidence. But these are just the physical symptoms of TIA. There are other symptoms that may follow, such as difficulty with short-term memory, and a loss of confidence and energy.
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TIA symptoms are very similar to those of a stroke. The narrowing of arteries in the brain is the most common cause of TIAs. The blood clot may have formed elsewhere in the body and traveled to the brain. The narrowing of these arteries also increases the risk of blood clots. These blood clots may even travel to smaller branches of the heart, blocking the flow of blood to the area of the brain that is fed by the affected artery.
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Because the symptoms of TIA are so brief and temporary, it is often difficult to diagnose the condition until a person has had several episodes. Symptoms may last minutes or even hours. But if you do suspect a TIA, get immediate medical attention. If you notice a person with TIA symptoms, ask them to raise their arms, smile, and repeat a simple phrase. If they are unable to do so, call 911.
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TIA is a warning sign that a stroke is imminent. While it lasts less than five minutes, the symptoms are similar to those of a stroke and can serve as a pre-cursor for a major stroke. Unfortunately, many people do not seek medical help for TIA, thinking that the symptoms will pass on their own. However, more than one-third of people who suffer TIA fail to receive medical attention.