Treatments For Hemorrhagic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Hemorrhagic Stroke
Treatment for a hemorrhagic stroke depends on the location, cause, and size of the hemorrhage. Treatment may include surgical clipping or medicines to control seizures and reduce swelling. A rehabilitation goal will be to prevent future strokes and reduce disability. A common goal is prevention, but there may also be ongoing treatment needed to address the symptoms. Read on to learn about the different treatments for hemorrhagic stroke.
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A person at risk for a hemorrhagic stroke may experience symptoms like a sudden, explosive headache, nausea, or even coma. The symptoms of this condition are different from those of a subarachnoid hemorrhage stroke. While both types of stroke involve bleeding from a brain bleed, both can leave victims confused or with severe weakness. The pain associated with hemorrhagic stroke can last for a short period of time, and it's hard to describe.
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Hemorrhagic stroke can result from two different types of hemorrhage. In some cases, the blood has leaked directly into the brain parenchyma. This condition differs from the hemorrhagic transformation of an ischemic stroke. A noncontrast axial computed tomography scan shows two areas of intracerebral hemorrhage in the right lentiform nucleus. Depending on the severity, medication or surgery may be needed.
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A digital subtraction angiogram is another imaging test used to diagnose a hemorrhagic stroke. A catheter is inserted into an artery in the groin and contrast is injected into the blood. This contrast makes blood vessels visible on the X-ray and can reveal the location of the bleeding. MRI scans can also identify underlying causes of secondary hemorrhages, such as tumors, vascular malformations, and cerebral vein thrombosis.
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A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and spills blood into the surrounding tissue. This bleeding causes pressure on the brain and damages brain cells. Common causes of a hemorrhagic stroke are uncontrolled high blood pressure, aneurysm, and trauma. However, in some cases, a blood vessel can rupture due to a genetic condition called arteriovenous malformation.
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Hemorrhagic stroke symptoms can be very different from those of an ischemic stroke. The symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke can include difficulty walking or gaining balance, dizziness, and blackouts. The person will often be in a coma for days or weeks. Some may also experience trouble understanding speech or a loss of time. But there is no reason for you to live with any of these symptoms when you can find treatment for your stroke.
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An intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) accounts for around 10% of all strokes and is the leading cause of death in this condition. Although a large portion of victims die within a few days, survivors can recover consciousness and some brain function. They may have a high risk for long-term disabilities. However, the chances of a recovery are slim, and it's important to seek medical attention immediately.
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The cause of a hemorrhagic stroke can be a ruptured blood vessel in the brain. The ruptured blood vessel causes the artery to bleed into the surrounding brain tissue. This results in an accumulation of blood and can result in subarachnoid hemorrhage or intracerebral hemorrhage. When the artery bleeds, blood accumulates in the surrounding brain tissue and damages nearby brain cells.
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Treatment for ICH stroke depends on the location and severity of the brain damage. Emergency treatment can include measures to reduce pressure in the brain and to prevent dehydration. After the stroke, the patient can return to daily life with help from physical therapy and speech therapists. The chances of a full recovery depend on the extent of the hemorrhagic stroke and the severity of the damage. The recovery period can range from weeks to months. Some children recover from their stroke and return home in a matter of weeks.