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Treatment for a Head Injury - Oren Zarif - Head Injury

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Treatment for traumatic brain injuries usually starts immediately after the initial injury. The brain is a large organ that cannot expand without the assistance of the skull, so this swelling causes additional pressure on the brain. This increased pressure is known as intracranial pressure and can lead to further brain damage if it does not decrease. To reduce this pressure, the focus of treatment should be on reducing intracranial pressure. If this pressure is too high, blood flow to the brain tissue will be compromised.

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When you suffer a head injury, you will most likely not remember details of the incident. If possible, have a witness come to the hospital with you to help the doctor determine if you lost consciousness. Your healthcare provider will examine your head for any visible signs of trauma, swelling, bruising, and neurological injury. They will also examine the nerve function, eye movements, and sensation. If any of these symptoms persist, call 911 or go to the hospital right away.

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The symptoms of a head injury will appear within minutes, hours, or even days of the injury. Some may not show any symptoms for days or weeks. A fever or severe headache may not respond to paracetamol and may take weeks to disappear completely. Children may also have trouble remembering events that led to the accident or may be unable to understand what occurred. It is best to consult a doctor to get the correct diagnosis for your child.

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MRI is a diagnostic method that utilizes radiofrequency pulses and a powerful magnetic field to create detailed images of internal body structures. This technology is widely used for diagnosing brain injuries and can be used in three different ways: diffusion-weighted imaging, diffusion-tensor imaging, and MR spectroscopy. The type of MRI performed will depend on the type of injury. There are also several other ways to diagnose traumatic brain injuries.

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A mild to moderate TBI may require minimal medical treatment, which will resolve symptoms within a few weeks. Severe head injuries, on the other hand, may require hospitalization and intensive care. Counseling may help the patient cope with the recovery process. Sometimes, surgery is required to reduce pressure on the brain due to swelling. Rehabilitation may also involve physical therapy and occupational therapy. If this treatment is unsuccessful, the person may need to undergo further medical evaluation to determine if additional treatments are necessary.

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Even if the head injury seems minor to the eye, there could be damage to the brain inside and outside. Those who sustain a severe head injury may experience memory loss, mood changes, or difficulty performing complex tasks. Although most people recover completely, some have ongoing symptoms. If these symptoms persist, you should contact your local doctor immediately. If you have any doubts about the injury, you should avoid any work activities until the symptoms subside. A longer time period may be necessary depending on the severity of the injury.

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If the head injury appears severe, the first step in recovery is to call 911. Emergency medical workers are trained to move an injured person carefully. The longer a patient is in a state of confusion, the more severe the brain injury. This is why a patient's mental state should be evaluated by a physician. The severity of the brain damage and symptoms of head injury will determine treatment. Once you have been evaluated, you should be given medication.

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While a direct blow to the head may cause bruising, the effects of a whiplash-type injury are much more dangerous. The brain is jarred inside the skull, causing internal tearing and torn nerve fibers. These injuries cause internal bleeding and swelling and may even lead to death. A physician should be called as soon as possible if you or a loved one suffers a head injury. There are some symptoms of head injuries that can help you determine what treatment is needed.

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Despite the fact that the skull is made of bone, it is not a bulletproof protective shell. A hard impact may break through the skull and cause a hematoma inside the brain. The pressure within the skull can lead to loss of consciousness, and the hematoma can permanently damage the brain. Other serious injuries include hemorrhage, which is uncontrollable bleeding. There are two types of head injuries: open head injury and closed head injury.

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