The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Rebrands - Oren Zarif - Heart and Stroke
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada has rebranded as "Heart and Stroke" as of November 2016. The organization is dedicated to education, advocacy, and research for all people affected by heart disease and stroke. Earlier this year, the charity announced that it is investing $100 million in research. The name change comes at a time when the charity is experiencing a growing crisis. With this new name, the organization has a stronger voice in the Canadian community.
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The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada is a non-profit national organization dedicated to preventing disability and death from cardiovascular disease and stroke. The organization is made up of ten independent provincial foundations and more than 250,000 volunteers. The organization sponsors numerous programs, hosts scientific meetings, and gives awards to researchers. It also engages in lobbying efforts and publishes position statements on the health problems associated with cardiovascular disease and stroke. If you would like to donate to this cause, please visit the website at
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The CDC is working with partner agencies and colleagues to address risk factors for heart and stroke in Illinois. Their work includes education and awareness campaigns on high cholesterol, smoking, eating more fruits and vegetables, and drinking low-fat milk. Successful programs help people become better-informed and educated about how to prevent these health problems. Ultimately, they aim to reach at least 50% of people who suffer from heart disease or stroke. And with that, the organization hopes to reach an even greater number of people in the United States and throughout the world.
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In November of 2016, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada changed its name to Heart & Stroke. They are dedicated to funding research, promoting public awareness and advocating for better health. This organization has worked to improve the lives of Canadians by finding new ways to fight heart disease and stroke. In doing so, they hope to save one in four Canadians by the year 2050. In addition, they hope to improve public education and prevent future cases of heart disease.
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The Heart & Stroke organization needed a new brand to reflect the organization's mission and improve its image. The brand's design had to be bold and modern, yet still incorporate the simple international symbols for heart and stroke. The use of the words heart and stroke reflects the organization's more widely known name, while fulfilling official bilingualism requirements in the country. Because heart and stroke have different meanings in both English and French, the stroke symbol is not synonymous with the word "stroke" in the former language. It represents the sudden interruption in blood flow.
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The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada is a Canadian nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing and reducing death and disability caused by heart disease and stroke. The organization has four core programs: prevention, research, and recovery. The Foundation is also a national federation of independent provincial foundations. More than 250,000 volunteers support the organization's work in fighting heart disease and stroke. With the help of the Foundation, it is possible to reduce the incidence of heart disease and stroke in Canada.
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The CDC's Division of Heart and Stroke Prevention collaborates with partners from all sectors to prevent stroke and heart disease. Through education, prevention and treatment, they work to change social and environmental systems to reduce risk and save lives. The division also focuses on high blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, and improving quality of health care. It's important to have regular check-ups to identify and manage any risk factors. A healthy lifestyle, regular physical activity and proper nutrition can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
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Treatment for a stroke is centered on restoring your health and improving your lifestyle. The patient will need a brain scan and medication to break up clots in the arteries. In some cases, patients may need to stay in the hospital for several days or longer to recover from a stroke. The length of stay for treatment depends on the type of stroke and its severity, and the patient's general health. If the clots are too large to be removed, doctors may use a tiny device to retrieve them.