The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada - Oren Zarif - Heart and Stroke
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada was renamed in November 2016 to Heart & Stroke. They are a charitable organization dedicated to research, advocacy, and education on the condition. They have more than 2 million members across Canada. They are committed to saving lives by funding vital research and raising awareness about the risks and symptoms of heart disease and stroke. There are many ways to support their work. Read on to learn more.
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While the symptoms of heart attack and stroke may look similar, they are very different medical conditions. Heart attacks happen when blood flow to the heart is blocked or a part of it is damaged by a clot. Both conditions cause damage to the heart and brain, so it is important to recognize the signs of a heart attack or stroke in time to seek help. Once you understand the difference between these two conditions, you can take action to help the person recover quickly.
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A symptomatic treatment for a stroke includes medications to help break up clots and prevent the blood from flowing to the brain. Your healthcare provider will probably prescribe medications to relieve your symptoms and monitor your condition closely. Depending on your age, type of stroke, and treatment, you may need to spend up to several weeks in a hospital. After your stroke has been diagnosed, you may be required to take several months of medication, including a heart-healthy diet and avoiding alcohol and tobacco. Your doctor will also prescribe medications to help you recover quickly.
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As of November 2016, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada has been rebranded as Heart & Stroke. This charitable organization was founded in 1971 and has long been dedicated to raising awareness of heart disease and funding research to find better treatment options. Today, the organization aims to improve people's lives by funding research and advocating for new policies and treatments. To learn more about how your donation can help fight heart disease, visit their website.
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Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and medical history. He or she will then perform a CT scan or MRI to look for areas of blocked blood flow. Different tests will be done if your symptoms are related to heart disease, such as tests to check the health of the heart muscle. If the symptoms are not present, a doctor can perform a blood test to confirm the diagnosis. The symptoms of a heart attack vary from person to person, but in general, a doctor will perform several tests to rule out stroke or angina.
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A stroke can affect anyone differently, and the recovery process can take weeks or even months. During the initial days and weeks following a stroke, patients typically recover. In more severe cases, recovery may take years. Rehabilitation after a stroke begins as soon as possible. A specialist will review the symptoms and goals of the rehabilitation process and determine the best path to recovery for each patient. With the support of specialists, the goal of rehabilitation is to return the patient to their pre-stroke state and enable them to live a more independent life.
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Despite similarities, there is no direct relationship between stroke and heart disease. Symptoms of one may cause the other. However, it is important to remember that the two are different and that heart disease and stroke are separate conditions. The first affects the brain while the latter affects the heart muscle. The other affects the blood vessels of the body, so the treatment of these conditions must be tailored to the patient's specific needs. In a stroke, a blood clot blocks blood flow to the brain.
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The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada is a Canadian non-profit organization with the mission to prevent death and disability caused by heart disease and stroke. The foundation has raised over $1.45 billion dollars to fund research for heart and stroke care and the death rate has decreased by 75 percent since the foundation was founded. With more than a million donors and 125,000 volunteers, Heart & Stroke has expanded into a national organization. Once a federation of 10 provincial foundations, Heart & Stroke is now a single, united organization.