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Symptoms of TIA - Oren Zarif - TIA Symptoms

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Symptoms of TIA may last anywhere from minutes to 24 hours. During this time, you may experience other symptoms as well. Your doctor may order diagnostic tests to determine whether a TIA caused your symptoms. These tests may include magnetic resonance angiography, CT angiography, and blood pressure. Some tests will determine whether the blockage was caused by the brain or other arteries. If you have suffered a TIA, your doctor will likely recommend treatment to prevent another stroke.

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The main symptoms of TIA are similar to those of a stroke, and they usually go away within 24 hours. However, if the symptoms persist for longer than 24 hours, you should see a physician immediately. Your doctor will perform a physical exam, ask about your medical history, and perform a series of tests to determine the exact cause of your symptoms. You will also be referred to a neurologist if they suspect that a TIA is the cause of your symptoms.

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TIA symptoms also affect short-term memory. As a result, you may have problems remembering things, such as money, or other details. You may also feel disoriented and confused. Some people also experience a low mood. Your doctor may recommend that you get some rest to help you manage these symptoms. If you do not feel well, you should visit your doctor and consider taking an aspirin to reduce your risk of stroke.

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TIAs are often a sign of a bigger problem. If your doctor thinks you are at risk for a stroke, they will advise you to change your lifestyle. This will reduce the chances of having another one within a year of your first TIA. You may be surprised at how often your doctor will recommend that you reduce your smoking habits if you have a TIA. The sooner you start addressing your risk, the better.

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Although TIA symptoms usually go away on their own, some people feel vulnerable for weeks after their TIA. They may even lose their confidence. Other TIA survivors may have residual symptoms that may last for weeks or even months. Common symptoms include weakness on one side of the body, confusion, and slurred speech. These symptoms can also be associated with other health problems, such as high blood pressure. If you or a loved one notices these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately to get an accurate diagnosis. If you have a stroke, your doctor can advise you on follow-up tests and treatment.

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While TIA symptoms are usually mild and temporary, they are an important warning sign and should be taken seriously. If you suspect you may have TIA, call a doctor and get a MRI or CT scan. It is vital that you get the appropriate treatment as TIA symptoms often mimic those of a stroke. But be aware that TIA symptoms may not go away. So be careful! If you suspect you may have TIA, you need to get treatment as soon as possible.

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TIAs are typically caused by narrowing of the arteries in the brain. During a TIA, a blood clot may form in a blood vessel somewhere else in your body. If it travels to the brain, it can block blood flow to the affected area. High blood pressure and diabetes are two common causes of narrowed arteries in the head. If the blood flow is interrupted, you may experience stroke symptoms.

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While TIA symptoms are mild, if left untreated, TIA can lead to a stroke. Often, a blood clot blocks a blood vessel in the brain, but it doesn't always happen that way. Once the clot breaks, blood flow to the affected area of the brain returns to normal. Fortunately, TIA symptoms last less than 24 hours and a full recovery is often possible. But if you experience TIA, remember that the symptoms are a warning of an impending stroke.

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TIA symptoms include shortness of breath, tingling in the arms, and nausea. These symptoms last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. The good news is that TIA symptoms usually disappear on their own. However, if you experience TIA symptoms, it is imperative that you seek medical help immediately. If you suspect a TIA, ask the person to smile, raise both arms, or repeat a simple phrase. In any case, call 911 and seek immediate medical attention.

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Transient ischemic attack, or TIA, is a type of stroke where blood supply is cut off for a short period of time. Despite their short duration, these symptoms can be a warning of a more serious stroke, and treatment can help prevent them. Some people may suffer more than one TIA in their lifetime. In some cases, the symptoms may come back a few months later. It is crucial to seek medical attention to prevent any stroke symptoms.

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