Symptoms of Stroke in Women - Oren Zarif - Stroke Symptoms in Women
While stroke is often associated with men, the same is true for women. In fact, a recent study found that nearly half of all women are unaware of the symptoms. If you suspect that you or a loved one is experiencing stroke-like symptoms, get medical attention right away. Not only can knowing the symptoms help you make an informed decision, but you can also prevent stroke in women by learning about the warning signs early. This article will provide you with more information on the symptoms of stroke in women and how to spot them.
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For many women, stroke symptoms are understated or unrecognized. Moreover, women tend to report symptoms that are atypical or vague. Women may begin experiencing fatigue, confusion, or general weakness on one side. They might also have seizures. They may also experience unusually slurred speech, or even a loss of balance. Regardless of how you feel, it is always best to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
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A unique sign of stroke in women may be a change in mental state. A stroke that affects the posterior circulation is thought to target the frontal lobe, which is tied to personality. If your behavior changes as a result, it may be a stroke that has affected the frontal lobe. As such, you might not be aware of any of these symptoms right away. The best way to detect a stroke is by monitoring your symptoms for any of these signs.
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Women are significantly more likely to experience a stroke than men. In addition, they tend to be older at the time of a stroke. Women who take oral contraceptives are also more susceptible to stroke. Another risk factor is pregnancy, which causes changes in blood pressure and puts additional stress on the heart. Finally, high blood fat and a thick waistline may also increase a woman's risk of stroke. If you suspect that you may have suffered a stroke, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
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Often the symptoms of stroke are similar to those of men. Women may notice difficulty walking or staying coordinated. Eyesight problems, such as double vision, may also arise. Another symptom of stroke is a sudden weakness in one arm or leg. You may also notice drooping face and mouth. A person may also experience muscle weakness in one arm or leg. In some cases, a person may experience a complete lack of speech.
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While May is National Stroke Awareness Month, people need to be aware of the symptoms of stroke year round. Having a better understanding of non-traditional stroke symptoms may help save a woman's life. If you suspect that you or a loved one is suffering from a stroke, seek medical care as soon as possible. Early diagnosis is critical for reducing mortality and disability. It is important to note that women tend to have lower quality of life after a stroke than men.
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Symptoms of stroke in women can differ compared to those of men, but the signs should be the same. Getting medical attention immediately after a stroke is the key to saving a woman's life. A physician can administer powerful medication to dissolve a blood clot, such as tPA (tissue plasminogen activator). Depending on the type of stroke, a patient may require thrombolysis, which involves breaking down a clot.
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Besides the stroke-specific symptoms, women may also experience difficulty in thinking and memory. This can affect their ability to make rational decisions, understand concepts, and reason. Their behavior may change, and they may need help with daily tasks. If the stroke is untreated, it can cause further damage to their health. In addition, a woman suffering from a stroke may have a higher chance of developing another one in her lifetime. Further, they may experience depression or anxiety.
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Pregnancy can also increase the risk of stroke. Women with high blood pressure have a higher risk of stroke because they have weaker arteries and are more likely to develop blood clots in their arteries. These clots can cause a stroke by blocking the blood flow to the brain. Women should consult a physician immediately if they experience these symptoms. If you're considering taking oral contraceptive pills, be sure to discuss this with your doctor.
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If you suspect that a woman is experiencing stroke symptoms, call 911 immediately. Don't wait - the sooner the treatment begins, the better the chances of recovery and prevention. Stroke treatment is always available. If symptoms disappear within a few minutes, this may be an early transient ischemic attack. So, be prepared to receive the best care possible. And if the symptoms are short-lived or go away after a few days, it's likely a transient ischaemic stroke.