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Symptoms and Treatment for a Head Injury - Oren Zarif - Head Injury

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The symptoms of a head injury vary from person to person, but are usually fairly common. Symptoms of a head injury can include problems with memory, mood, and performance of complex tasks. Although most people recover fully, some may experience ongoing symptoms that may require further medical attention. Patients should visit their doctor if they notice any of these symptoms, even if they don't feel like it. Recovery times may vary, from weeks to months or even years.

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The treatment for a head injury depends on the nature and severity of the injury. If the injuries are minor and don't cause any symptoms, treatment may only involve pain relievers. Sedation and neurosurgical evaluation may be necessary for those with more serious injuries. Other treatments for a head injury include sedation, paralytics, and cerebrospinal fluid diversion. Other second-line treatments may include ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen.

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Severe injuries may result in the loss of muscle strength, speech, vision, hearing, or taste. In severe cases, children may also experience behavioral and personality changes. In addition to medical treatment, a child may require physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech, and physical rehabilitation. During this time, it is important to encourage your child to engage in play activities and physical activities. If your child suffers from a head injury, it is essential to make sure they are protected with a helmet.

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Bruising of the brain tissue is a common symptom of a head injury. In addition to bruises, there can be other symptoms of a head injury, including transtentorial herniation or cerebral edema. Treatment for a head injury will depend on the type of swelling, whether it is caused by increased intracranial pressure or something else. Diffuse axonal injury does not necessarily involve bruising but can occur when parts of different density slide over one another. The brain can be damaged in this way, and if it is severe, it may cause prolonged loss of consciousness and other symptoms.

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A head injury is often the result of a violent incident. While it can happen spontaneously, the most common causes of traumatic head injury are falls, motor vehicle accidents, and violence. Children playing sports are more likely to sustain a head injury and may need medical attention. Head injury treatment may include rest, ice, and stitches. Some children may need to be hospitalized to monitor for increased intracranial pressure. While the majority of head injuries are mild, some may require a few days of medical monitoring.

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A CT scan is another common test to evaluate the extent of a head injury. This imaging technique uses a powerful magnetic field and radiofrequency pulses to produce detailed images of the brain and its internal structures. This scan helps doctors to diagnose and treat a head injury. While most cases do not require imaging, physicians may use a CT scan to determine whether there is any evidence of bleeding or fractures. An MRI scan can also detect any fractures, and even a blood clot underneath the bone.

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The symptoms of a concussion usually begin to appear within twenty-four hours of the injury, but may not occur for up to three weeks. If the head injury is intentional, go to A&E. Otherwise, minor head injuries are usually self-managed. Symptoms may include a headache, nausea, or a dazed appearance. A doctor can determine the appropriate treatment for your child. But if you are not sure if a concussion has occurred, you can try to look after your child yourself.

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Treatment for a head injury will depend on the severity of the injuries and where the brain was hit. If it is mild, you will probably need to stay home until symptoms subside. A moderate or severe TBI, on the other hand, may require more intensive medical attention, such as surgery. Surgery may be necessary to treat bleeding in the brain or relieve pressure from swelling in the skull. Rehabilitation may also involve physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.

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Although severe TBIs require extensive treatment, many people recover well. It's also possible to get another head injury, such as a concussion. A second type of head injury, known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy, is less common. The symptoms of a chronic TBI can be similar to symptoms from a mild TBI, such as a dizziness or sleepiness. In the most severe cases, the patient's symptoms may last for weeks.

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