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Stroke Symptoms and Causes - Oren Zarif - Stroke Symptoms

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

There are several stroke symptoms you should be aware of. In addition to speech difficulties, stroke victims may also experience problems with coordination and movement. Speech and occupational therapy may be recommended to help patients return to daily activities and maintain the ability to communicate. Support groups may also help stroke survivors cope with common mental health issues. Listed below are some common stroke symptoms and their causes. Read on to learn more. And remember that while many people recover from stroke, a full recovery is not always possible.

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Oren Zarif stroke victims

Most people with stroke don't need CPR, but if you find someone who has lost consciousness, call 911 immediately. While you're waiting for an ambulance, begin CPR. CPR is a series of repeated, steady chest compressions. Most stroke survivors report a sudden lack of awareness of their surroundings. A person may not even have a pulse or appear to be breathing. But if you see a stroke victim without signs of life, don't hesitate to begin CPR and give them oxygen immediately.

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Some of the most common stroke symptoms include one-sided weakness and trouble with speech. If you notice one of these symptoms in someone you know, call 911 immediately. You can also watch for signs of weakness in one arm or the other. If you find a drooping face or mouth, you may suspect a stroke. Another sign is slurred speech. Once you've ruled out other symptoms, you can begin assessing the patient's condition.

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In addition to speech and movement, stroke victims may experience trouble with memory, hearing, and temperature. Their ability to read, cook, change clothes, and move may also be affected. Affected people may also experience weakness, numbness, or tingling in their legs. They may also have difficulty balancing, and may need assistance with daily tasks. A medical professional can recommend a course of treatment. This can ensure the best chance for recovery.

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If you notice any of these stroke symptoms, get to the hospital as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent brain damage and death. Fortunately, many stroke treatments can be started within a few hours of the first symptoms. When the symptoms occur, the symptoms of a stroke are usually temporary. Depending on the type of stroke, you may only experience one or two of these symptoms, but you should still seek medical attention right away.

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The proper blood flow to the brain is crucial for recovery after a stroke. Without proper blood flow, brain cells begin to die, resulting in significant damage to the brain. Stroke symptoms include vision problems, difficulty walking, and slurred speech. The first thing you should do if you notice these signs is contact your doctor immediately. The longer you wait, the worse your symptoms will become. So it's best to consult a medical professional as soon as possible.

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If you suspect that someone has had a stroke, call 911 and ask for an ambulance. Once at the hospital, call a physician to determine the cause of the stroke and begin treatment. The sooner you get help, the better, as a stroke is a scary event to go through. But the good news is that the powerful stroke treatment is always available. Even if you think you're experiencing the first stroke symptoms, you can still save their life by seeking medical attention right away.

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In a severe case, blood may leak into the brain and cause damage to brain cells. This is called a hemorrhagic stroke. This happens when an artery in the brain bursts, resulting in excess pressure in the skull. A third type of stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater. The ruptured artery causes a swelling of the brain tissue.

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A woman's symptoms are similar to those of a man's, although some may be more subtle or harder to detect. For example, stroke symptoms in a woman are harder to identify and may be overlooked if a man is suffering from the same disease. Other risk factors for women include hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy, birth control pills, and an increased risk of migraine with an aura. Another risk factor is high blood pressure, which can cause plaques in the arteries and block the flow of blood to the brain.

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The best way to prevent stroke is to monitor your blood pressure regularly. High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke and has no early warning signs. A person with high blood pressure should get their blood pressure checked regularly and avoid smoking and alcohol. By reducing your risk of stroke, you can reduce the chance of suffering a permanent disability. But remember that if you notice any of these symptoms in yourself, it is time to contact a medical professional.

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