Stroke Symptoms and How to Deal With Them - Oren Zarif - Stroke Symptoms
People suffering from stroke often experience several stroke symptoms. These include paralysis, loss of movement and control of certain muscles, and difficulty speaking and swallowing. It may also lead to speech and language problems. In addition, stroke sufferers may have difficulty speaking and writing, and their sense of smell and temperature may be affected. Several of these symptoms are also associated with other illnesses, such as depression and anxiety. This article will discuss some of these stroke symptoms and how to deal with them.
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Those who suspect a stroke should call 911 for emergency help as soon as possible. It is important to recognize and treat acute stroke symptoms as soon as possible because every second passed after a vessel was blocked leads to more damage to brain tissue. Thankfully, the National Stroke Association (NSA) recommends the F.A.S.T acronym, which stands for "Face, Arms, Speech and Time," as a simple way to detect the symptoms of a stroke.
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In addition to the signs and symptoms, stroke sufferers may also develop a blood clot in an affected artery. This clot can restrict blood flow to the brain and cause swelling. Luckily, it is not uncommon for doctors to remove a blood clot from the brain with surgery or medicine. This procedure can help restore blood flow and speed the recovery process. And while there are no guarantees, treatment is more effective the sooner it begins.
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In the first few hours after a stroke, the clot usually clears, but the symptoms may reappear. If you have symptoms of a stroke that go away quickly, this may be an isolated incident, or a transient ischemic attack. In any case, seek immediate medical help to prevent further damage. It is vital to recognize TIA symptoms so that you can get treatment sooner rather than later. The sooner you recognize symptoms, the better.
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The bleeding that causes a stroke can occur in the carotid arteries that supply blood to the brain. These narrowing arteries are often treated by neurosurgeons with a surgical procedure called carotid endarterectomy. Other treatments, such as carotid artery angioplasty and stenting, require no surgical incision in the neck. TIAs are also a common symptom, as more than 30 percent of all strokes are preceded by a TIA. These symptoms can begin days or even weeks before a stroke, so it is vital to catch them early.
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There are several tests that can determine if a person is experiencing any of the stroke symptoms listed above. A CT scan (or carotid duplex) can provide a detailed picture of the brain and may show any damage or bleeding. An electrocardiogram (ECG) will measure the heart's rhythm and determine if a clot has formed in the heart. If there is any evidence that a stroke has occurred, doctors may prescribe thrombolytic drugs to break up the clot. These treatments may stop the stroke or reduce the amount of damage to the brain.
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In addition to treatment for the symptoms of stroke, survivors should also undergo occupational therapy. Occupational therapy may help stroke survivors regain their ability to communicate with others and regain their senses. Other therapies, such as speech and language therapy, can help them cope with other common psychological and physical issues. These include coping with social situations and learning new ways of communicating. If possible, people with stroke can join support groups to find the strength to continue with their daily lives.
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Most strokes can be prevented. If a person suffers from high blood pressure, they should consider getting their blood pressure under control. High blood pressure is a major risk factor, and controlling it can help prevent a stroke from occurring. If the stroke is preventable, treatment should focus on restoring adequate blood flow to the brain. The patient may be prescribed blood thinners, or a medication called tissue plasminogen activator. If the risk is high, treatment may include surgery to clip the aneurysm and relieve the pressure.
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A stroke is usually a result of a buildup of blood clots. This can happen from problems with the heart valve, inflammation of the blood vessels, or a heart attack. Low blood pressure can also cause blood clots to form in the arteries. Both of these conditions can limit the flow of blood to the brain and cause a stroke. If you have these conditions, it is essential to see a doctor as soon as possible.