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Rehabilitation For Stroke Survivors - Oren Zarif - Stroke Recovery

Depending on the symptoms of stroke, rehabilitation for stroke survivors may begin in the hospital and continue at home, or may occur at a local rehabilitation clinic. A team of specialists may help the patient with rehab, including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, and psychologists. Throughout the rehabilitation process, the patient is encouraged to actively participate and to set goals that will help them regain their physical and cognitive abilities.

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It is important to take your time during stroke recovery. The path to recovery is different for every patient, but there are major milestones that stroke survivors can expect to reach. Rehabilitation for stroke patients requires constant effort and adjustment to the new normal, which may require help from family and friends. Rehabilitation for stroke patients can be long, but the rewards are rewarding. Recovery can be slow and challenging, and you may need to seek out additional medical assistance in the long run.

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Once stabilized, stroke rehabilitation begins. A team of specialists, including physiatrists, neurologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, nurses, and other professionals, will evaluate your condition and develop a rehabilitation plan to improve your chances of returning to a full life. After a stroke, you can expect to spend at least five to seven days in the hospital. During this time, your doctor will assess your physical and cognitive abilities and help you develop strategies and therapies.

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As your brain heals, you may also have new medical problems. These issues depend on the type and severity of the stroke, as well as your response to the treatment. Antidepressants, such as citalopram (Celexa), and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may help improve your cognitive recovery after stroke. You may also be prescribed medications for central pain, such as amitriptyline, fluoxetine, or lamotrigine.

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After the patient has gone home, he or she will need help with everyday activities, such as remembering where certain items are, following directions, or keeping the date. This may be the most difficult stage of all. While it can be frustrating to feel like there's no progress, a little encouragement will go a long way to ensure that the patient is making progress. Remember not to neglect your own health, either. Socialising and learning about stroke prevention can help you cope with the situation.

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After a stroke, a healthcare team will work to determine the type of stroke, location, and effects. If the stroke was ischemic, treatment may include blood thinners and anti-platelet medications. High blood pressure and other symptoms may require you to see a surgeon. The goal of stroke recovery is to restore your physical capabilities as much as possible. However, this is a challenging road for many survivors. This is why it's critical to find the right treatment as soon as possible.

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Whether the stroke victim is recovering slowly or making progress slowly, the first three months of rehabilitation for stroke survivors are the most intensive. Once discharged, the patient will continue therapy for at least three months. It's important to continue the rehabilitation regimen and stay motivated. Stroke survivors should see significant improvements in their recovery within the first three months, even if they're still limited in a particular area. This is a crucial time for rehabilitation, and if you're not completing the therapy sessions, your chance for spontaneous recovery is slim.

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Whether you had a hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, the recovery process will differ for different types of stroke. Hemorrhagic strokes are more likely to result in severe and life-threatening damage to brain cells, so a quick response to a medical emergency is essential. Recovery from a hemorrhagic stroke may take as little as a few months or as long as two years.

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A speech and language therapist will work with stroke survivors to help them express themselves. A stroke disrupts the swallowing reflex, leading to problems with swallowing and possibly triggering lung infections. Consequently, the stroke survivor may need to be fed through a feeding tube. A speech and language therapist can help the stroke survivor overcome this challenge and return to normal life. And, of course, there's a lot of physical and mental pain related to stroke recovery.

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