Stages of Stroke Recovery - Oren Zarif - Stroke Recovery
During the early stages of stroke recovery, the patient may not be able to move their affected limbs. Typically, this is due to spasticity. In this stage, the patient may be able to grasp an object but not release it. This lack of voluntary movement will leave the patient extremely weak. However, interventions in the fourth stage may capitalize on the onset of voluntary movement. They may include active-assisted exercises, range-of-motion exercises, and strengthening exercises. Rehabilitation specialists may also work on retraining a person's movement patterns in order to reduce or eliminate the spasticity.
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Physical therapists also play an important role during the stroke recovery period. They can help the patient regain balance, strengthen muscles, and control spasms. Rehabilitation can also help with the individual's memory and thinking. Depending on the type of stroke, the person may need walking aids to help them relearn motor skills. Survivors may also experience problems with their speech, coordination, and nerves. Some may even have difficulty with food or drink.
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The speed of stroke recovery depends on the type and severity of the condition. Some patients recover quickly, while others take months or even years to achieve full recovery. Rehab helps stroke survivors regain communication and comprehension skills, and strengthen muscles and improve coordination. Mirror box training, which uses a mirror to reflect an unaffected limb, can help to rewire the brain. It is not uncommon for patients to experience temporary weakness and atrophy, but they can still regain some function.
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There are three stages of stroke recovery, which include lower, upper, and hand movement. Each stage consists of different milestones. The goal of each stage of recovery is to improve function in each area. It may take months to a year to achieve these goals, but with time, the process will get easier. If you're recovering from a stroke, try keeping a journal of the rehabilitation. It can help you see where you are and what you need to work on to reach them.
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The treatment of a stroke begins when the emergency medical services arrive. This treatment may include emergency care, rehabilitation to alleviate the symptoms of the stroke, and therapy to prevent or minimize the effects of the condition. The first step of treatment is to call 911. The emergency response team can start life-saving treatment on the way to the emergency room. There are some other things you should remember before you get to the hospital. Your doctor will assess your health and the severity of your symptoms to see if any of them are related to the stroke.
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Once you're stable and awake, you'll begin your recovery process. The medical team will assess the location and type of stroke as well as the damage to the brain. Treatment is focused on restoring blood flow to the affected area and improving the patient's outcome. If the stroke was ischemic, you'll be given anti-platelet medications and blood thinners to prevent further damage. You may also be referred for blood pressure checks and may have to see a surgeon to correct the problem.
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Your loved one will need support after their stroke. During this difficult time, you and your loved ones will need to provide support and comfort to each other. If you can't be with them in the hospital, you can arrange to attend a support group in their area. This will give you a sense of community among fellow stroke survivors. This type of support can help you cope with your loved one's new limitations and find the strength to move on.
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Your recovery time depends on a number of factors, including the type of stroke, the severity, your pre-existing conditions, and your overall health. While your stroke recovery will vary, it will likely take months or years to regain the abilities that you once had. Your care must be coordinated in the shortest time possible. You and your family should attend all therapy sessions, as well as be supportive and attentive. If you have any questions or concerns, consult your family or healthcare provider.
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During the initial period of recovery, physical and occupational therapy will determine which areas of your brain have been affected by your stroke. If you have a breathing tube in place, speech-language therapy may be necessary. Physical therapy will assess the extent of damage caused by your stroke and help you recover faster. Physical and occupational therapy can be performed daily six days a week. The aim of this therapy is to improve your physical abilities and regain your confidence.