Physical Therapy Is a Crucial Part of Stroke Recovery - Oren Zarif - Stroke Recovery
Physical therapy is a crucial component of stroke recovery. Rehabilitation begins with physical therapy and gradually progresses to more advanced stages. Initially, spasticity may prevent the person from using the affected limbs. This spasticity can be frustrating but is a sign that the brain is rebuilding its connections. Rehabilitation may also focus on learning non-use of the affected limbs and enhancing coordination. Eventually, spasticity will disappear.
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During the early phases of rehabilitation, a therapist will visit the patient in their home to conduct therapy. This home rehabilitation program is customized for each patient and includes 2-3 visits per week by a therapist. Often, rehabilitation begins during the initial hospital stay. Early recovery increases the chance of regaining normal brain and body functions. The type of facility a patient chooses depends on their needs and insurance coverage. A doctor will be able to suggest the best recovery setting for each patient.
After stroke, patients will need help with basic activities such as getting around the house.
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Physical therapy helps with balance and muscle strength. Occupational therapy helps improve fine-motor skills, such as speech. Speech and language therapy will help a person regain speech and swallowing. Physical therapy is just one of the many types of rehabilitation that a patient can receive. But many rehabilitation programs also focus on the psychological aspect of stroke recovery. There is also a huge amount of mental rehabilitation available to people suffering from stroke.
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While stroke recovery differs from patient to patient, there is a general pattern that is observed among the patients. The process is described in the Brunnstrom's seven stages of stroke recovery. This progression includes initial flaccidity, the onset of spasticity, and the return to normal function. There are no definitive rules when a stroke patient will recover, but many people achieve this goal with rehab. It may take a lifetime to recover fully, but it is still possible to walk independently after stroke.
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Rehabilitation also helps the patient return to normal activity. A physical therapist will help the stroke patient to improve his or her balance and strength. In addition, speech and language therapists will teach the patient how to communicate with others. Physical therapy will also help a patient improve their memory and improve their judgment. In some cases, a stroke may cause behavioral changes as well. Someone who used to be outgoing may become withdrawn. They may not feel their emotions and act recklessly.
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Once the medical team has identified the type of stroke and where it occurred, the next step is to treat the patient. In addition to medications, patients may undergo rehabilitation to deal with the aftereffects of stroke. If the stroke was an ischemic one, the patient may be prescribed anti-platelet drugs and blood thinners. The patient may need to undergo blood pressure checks and see a surgeon. This can be a complicated and lengthy process, but if the stroke is prevented by the treatment of the underlying condition, a patient can often recover from it.
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After a patient has been discharged from the hospital, they need to continue rehabilitation. Although formal therapies are rare after a stroke, home therapy programs are often available. Most insurers do not cover these therapies after discharge. Because of this, it is important for family members to learn more about the symptoms of stroke recovery and the best ways to help their loved one after the stroke. If you are a caregiver, you should also educate yourself about stroke prevention and recovery.
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While a mild stroke may cause minimal brain damage, massive strokes require intensive rehabilitation. Different parts of the brain control different functions, so the secondary effects of a stroke vary widely. A person who has had a stroke that affects the left hemisphere, for instance, may have difficulty speaking and with word retrieval. It is important to know the typical timeline of recovery after a stroke to maximize the chances of recovery. If you suffer from a stroke, you should seek medical help immediately. Your health and recovery depends on it.
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Another important consideration is how your loved one feels during the stroke. If the loss is significant, the person may experience feelings of anger, depression, and grief. These negative emotions are normal and are part of the stroke recovery process. Although they are not necessarily a sign of stroke recovery, they are important signs that recovery is underway. You should be compassionate and try to help the person through these stages. There are many types of therapies to address stroke recovery. You can even consult a psychotherapist to receive psychological assistance.