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Lacunar Stroke - Oren Zarif - Lacunar Stroke
Lacunar stroke is a type of brain injury affecting the motor and sensory parts of the brain. Because these parts are responsible for voluntary movements, strokes in these areas result in a person's inability to move. Lacunar stroke usually affects one side of the body, so symptoms may include weakness or wobbly gait. Symptoms are most likely to affect the arm and leg on the affected side. The face is typically unaffected.
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The researchers studied the genetic code of 7,338 people with lacunar stroke and 25,4798 healthy people. Their results revealed that the genes of the patients were associated with higher risk of developing the condition. They said the genetic changes were linked with making the small blood vessels "leaky" and allowing toxins to enter the brain. This condition also causes the messages that travel around the brain to slow down or stop altogether. The researchers hope to start clinical trials soon to find a cure for lacunar stroke.
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Doctors will likely perform a CT scan if they suspect the symptoms of lacunar stroke. The test is not used to diagnose the condition itself, but to rule out other possible causes. CT angiography may also be used to rule out blood vessel blockages, which are common in lacunar stroke. The most accurate imaging test for lacunar stroke is a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. The doctors can then order tests to determine the cause of the stroke.
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While the TOAST method is the best method for lacunar stroke research, it is not without its flaws. Insufficient data, paucity of pathological material, and bias in certain clinical classification systems may cause inadvertent misdiagnosis. Therefore, it is essential to increase the sample size and conduct larger studies to find the definitive cure for this neurological disease. There are some other ways to improve the quality of research in this area.
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Because the infarcts in lacunar stroke are small, most people do not notice any symptoms until the infarcts cause damage to the brain. However, if the condition progresses, it may lead to mild cognitive impairment or early dementia. Depending on the location of the infarcts, the symptoms may be subtle or absent. However, if a stroke does occur, a proper diagnosis is crucial.
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Lacunar stroke occurs when the artery to the brain's deep structures is blocked. These arteries are small and branch directly from the main artery, which is high-pressure and heavily muscled. High blood pressure is one of the main causes of lacunar stroke. High blood pressure damages the arteries directly and contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, a condition which develops fatty deposits in the walls of blood vessels.
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Treatment for patients with lacunar stroke requires coordination between a neurologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, social therapist, and pharmacist. Physical therapy is important for managing physical deficits, while muscle relaxants are needed for spasticity. After a lacunar ischemic event, patients will need long-term care coordination, including intensive antihypertensive therapy, tight blood pressure control, statins, and lifestyle risk factors.
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A lacunar infarct is a small artery that has been occluded. These infarcts typically are 15 mm in diameter and arise at an acute angle to the large cerebral arteries. These strokes are often asymptomatic and are associated with an increased risk of death. There are several types of lacunar stroke, each with its own unique symptoms and risks. Those with the most severe form are at highest risk.
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The authors did not include a control group to allow for direct comparison. The analysis would have been more robust if an age-matched comparison had been included, with cognitive changes assessed at 1 and 3 years after the event. The researchers also needed to adjust for other variables such as age and premorbid cognition. The authors also had to account for differences in age, premorbid cognition, and WMH volume. For the analyses, the researchers included both the number of lacunes and the volume of old stroke lesions.