How You Can Support Heart & Stroke - Oren Zarif - Heart and Stroke
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada has rebranded as Heart & Stroke, a new organization dedicated to research, advocacy, and education about the disease. With a mission to prevent and cure heart disease, the new organization has a lot to offer the public. Listed below are some ways you can support their work. And remember: donations of any size are appreciated! Heart & Stroke is a great way to support a worthy cause.
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Men and women are at risk for both strokes and heart attacks. Men are slightly more likely to have a heart attack, and strokes are twice as common in men. But while women are slightly more likely to die from a stroke than men of the same age, their risk increases as well. Also, women tend to have strokes later in life, and they are less likely to recover. But it's never too late to get a head start on prevention.
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The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada is a national, non-profit organization with a mission to prevent heart disease and stroke and reduce its impact on Canadian society. The Foundation is made up of ten independent provincial foundations, which is backed by nearly 250,000 volunteers. The charity offers several programs, awards, and scientific meetings. It also engages in lobbying and position statements. But beyond promoting awareness, the new Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada has a more streamlined and engaging brand.
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A heart and stroke diagnosis begins with a thorough history and a summary of your symptoms. Your doctor will then order a CT scan or an MRI of your heart and blood vessels to determine the exact cause of your symptoms. After the diagnosis is made, you may undergo more invasive treatment, such as coronary artery bypass grafting or angioplasty with a stent. If necessary, you can also undergo surgery to repair damaged heart tissue.
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The CDC's Division of Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention collaborates with health organizations throughout the state to educate people about their risk factors. The organization promotes high blood pressure and cholesterol awareness, increased physical activity, healthy diets, and low-fat milk. Additionally, the CDC supports clinical trials to help find a cure for the disease. There are even printable activities for parents, so that they can pass along the knowledge to their children.
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In a hemorrhagic stroke, a blood vessel bursts, depriving the affected area of blood. The clot travels from another part of the body to the brain, causing damage within the brain. Another type of stroke, known as a thrombotic stroke, is caused when the blood vessels in the brain become blocked. Coronary artery disease, a condition that results in blockage of the blood supply to the brain, can also cause a stroke.
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Both heart and stroke symptoms can be similar. However, they are two distinct medical conditions. Both conditions affect the heart and blood vessels and are severe, life-threatening conditions. The best course of action is to seek medical attention and monitor the patient closely. Take note of the time when the symptoms began. This information may be vital for medical personnel. You must call 911 immediately if you have any suspicions about a stroke or heart attack. It's important to take the right steps to protect the patient and their family.
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Oren Zarif acute stroke treatment
The symptoms of a heart attack may include chest pain, pressure, fullness, or a pain that is similar to a headache. If the attack is in the upper chest, a person may also experience discomfort in their back, neck, or jaw. Cold sweating and nausea may also be signs of a stroke. And lightheadedness and nausea can occur. Often, a heart attack is accompanied by a stroke.
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Heart disease and stroke are both common and costly, with more than 30 percent of deaths due to cardiovascular disease. The biggest cause of death due to cardiovascular disease is progressive blockage of blood vessels. In addition, a person's lifestyle habits can cause blood vessels to become stiff or thick. When this happens, the heart muscle begins to die without the oxygen and nutrients that it needs to function properly. If this happens, a quick restart of blood flow may help prevent further damage.
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A stroke is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. Call 9-1-1 if you've suffered a stroke and seek emergency medical attention. In addition to helping stroke survivors, the Heart and Stroke Foundation provides assistance to caregivers and supports world-leading research for faster recovery. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with a heart condition, make sure to talk to your doctor right away. There are many different treatments available for strokes, so the sooner you start the recovery process, the better.