How to Spot TIA Symptoms - Oren Zarif - TIA Symptoms
TIAs are sudden attacks of severe headache, confusion, and nausea. The cause is unknown, but TIAs are commonly caused by blockages in the major arteries to the brain. These arteries provide oxygenated blood to the brain's cells and can become narrowed and clogged with plaques. The buildup of plaques can cause blood clots that travel to the brain. They can also travel through the bloodstream to smaller branches and block blood flow to the part of the brain fed by the artery.
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People with TIAs may also experience facial droopiness and difficulty smiling. Other common symptoms include speech problems and trouble finding words. Other people may experience weakness in one or both arms. A droopy face, a change in vision, and difficulty lifting or holding up both arms may also indicate TIA. Although these symptoms are not permanent, TIAs are serious. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's imperative that you seek medical attention right away.
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Another side effect of TIAs is a reduction in short term memory. People may become confused, have trouble remembering money or numbers, or even feel uncannily tired. Whether it's anxiety or depression, these symptoms may lead to other health problems. Discuss your feelings with others who care about you. Getting regular exercise can improve sleep and energy levels. Your GP will be able to determine the best course of action for you.
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TIAs are a warning sign of a stroke. The signs are short-lived and only last a few hours. It's important to know how to spot TIA symptoms in yourself or a loved one. It is important to understand that TIA symptoms are an early warning sign of a major stroke. If your TIA is accompanied by one or more of these symptoms, it's essential to get medical help as soon as possible.
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The symptoms of TIA can be different depending on the cause of the clot. For example, a blockage of the carotid artery can cause a TIA. In rare cases, it may result in a full stroke. The risk factors for TIAs are the same as those for ischaemic strokes. They include age, ethnicity, and a history of stroke. Some risk factors are beyond a person's control, but most can be altered with lifestyle changes.
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It's crucial to seek medical care as soon as you notice TIA symptoms. The treatment of TIAs varies widely, and the outcome of such a stroke depends on the cause. Usually, treatment will involve the use of antiplatelet agents or surgery. In some cases, a doctor may recommend medication or surgery to prevent a future stroke. A doctor can prescribe you antiplatelet drugs or anticoagulants for a variety of reasons, depending on the cause of the TIA.
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TIAs can be hard to diagnose because the exact cause is not known. However, doctors can determine the risk factor by looking at blood pressure and other factors, such as blocked arteries and diabetes. If the diagnosis is confirmed, your doctor will prescribe you a blood-thinning medication to lower your blood pressure and prevent another stroke. To keep yourself healthy and prevent another stroke, it's important to take your medication and follow your diet.
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TIA symptoms usually occur suddenly, with no warning and go away within a few hours. While many people will have the same symptoms as a stroke, they should see their doctor right away. The symptoms of TIA will vary depending on which part of the brain is affected. If the symptoms are similar to a stroke, the treatment will be different. While the main symptoms of TIA are similar to those of a stroke, the severity of TIA symptoms depends on the specific part of the brain affected.
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Although TIA symptoms are milder, you should seek medical attention immediately if you have any of them. Although they usually last less than two hours, the symptoms of TIAs are a warning sign for a stroke. Although TIAs do not cause permanent damage, strokes can lead to long-term disability. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your physician as soon as possible. The sooner you seek treatment, the better your chances of avoiding a full-blown stroke.
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Treatment for TIAs varies, depending on the cause of the attack. For instance, patients with a severe narrowing of a major artery will need 90 days of aspirin and clopidogrel. If the symptoms are caused by an irregular heartbeat, anticoagulant medications, such as warfarin, may be prescribed. If you have an ischemic stroke, treatment will depend on the cause of the TIA.