How to Diagnose a Head Injury - Oren Zarif - Head Injury
A doctor should be consulted if you have suffered a head injury. They will want to know about the nature of the injury, whether you have suffered a concussion or not, and other specifics. Once they have been contacted, they will assess the person's condition quickly and determine the extent of the damage. Depending on the severity of the head injury, the doctor may recommend certain medications. For example, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen may be prescribed. A person should not take aspirin, as they may increase the risk of bleeding inside the head.
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A CT scan is another test that can be used to diagnose a head injury. It will show whether there are any fractures, bruising, or swelling of the brain. This scan is fast and accurate. If the symptoms persist, a doctor may order an MRI scan. A CT scan is not always necessary to diagnose a head injury, but it can give doctors a clearer picture of the brain. If a patient is in stable condition, however, the doctor will perform an MRI to better assess the extent of any damage and to rule out any other medical conditions.
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A major head injury, however, can be difficult to diagnose visually. While minor head injuries bleed a lot, a major one may not bleed at all. The key is to get a doctor to examine you if you have a head injury as quickly as possible. Head injuries can fall into two broad categories, depending on the cause. Shaking is a common cause of head injury. It can occur in a car accident or other violent shaking incident.
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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive X-ray that uses a powerful magnetic field and radiofrequency waves to produce detailed images of inside the body. An MRI of the head can help doctors determine whether a patient has suffered a fracture of the skull or bleeding in the brain. The images can also be used to determine the severity of an injury. A CT is a better choice for diagnosing a head injury.
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A severe head injury requires urgent medical attention. If left untreated, it can cause severe consequences. Minor head injuries may only require a visit to a doctor. Medications for pain may be prescribed. Certain medications may relieve nausea and vomiting, and doctors will help you decide when to return to normal activities. If your head injury is more serious, however, you may require surgery and emergency care. You may require brain surgery, or you may need to undergo more physical therapy.
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A doctor will evaluate your child's symptoms and determine whether you need to get them evaluated for additional treatments. A serious head injury can result in brain damage and require several weeks of hospitalization. Ultimately, you should seek medical advice if you suspect you have sustained a head injury. Remember, the longer a brain injury is left untreated, the more complicated it can be to treat. So, it's important to consult with a doctor as soon as possible.
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A skull fracture may also occur. About 1% to 2% of children who sustain a head injury will sustain a skull fracture. Symptoms of a skull fracture include headache, which often occurs at the site of the injury. The good news is that most skull fractures are minor and heal without any brain damage. The best treatment for a skull fracture is to seek medical attention for any other complications that may arise. While skull fractures can be severe, they are usually not life-threatening.
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A concussion is a jarring blow to the head. In rare cases, the skull may break, causing an open or penetrating head injury. Symptoms of a head injury vary greatly based on the severity of the injury. While a bump to the head doesn't usually cause serious problems, a skull fracture can result in a brain hematoma if the bones are broken. The symptoms of a concussion can take weeks to show up.
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Traumatic brain injuries are the most common cause of death and disability in the United States. Statistics from 2014 indicate that nearly three million children and adults suffer traumatic brain injuries each year. A small percentage of these people will recover completely from a mild head injury, but the worst cases may result in permanent brain damage or even death. Knowing the symptoms of a concussion will help you determine the best treatment for your child. If you think you have suffered a head injury, call 911 immediately.