Hemorrhagic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Hemorrhagic Stroke
A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, spilling blood into the surrounding tissues. It accounts for approximately 13% of all strokes and 40% of stroke deaths. Depending on the severity, these patients can suffer permanent disabilities. Common causes of hemorrhagic stroke include high blood pressure, aneurysms, trauma, and arteriovenous malformations.
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Some of the most common symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke include sudden difficulty walking, dizziness, loss of balance, blackouts, drooping arms and face, and slurred or difficulty understanding speech. Some people also experience a loss of time. These signs are common, but not all stroke survivors experience them. It is important to contact a medical professional as soon as possible if you suspect someone is having a stroke.
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After a hemorrhagic stroke, immediate medical treatment is vital. The aim of treatment is to minimize brain damage and ensure recovery. Treatment may involve a period of physical therapy or rehabilitation, vision therapy, speech and language therapies, and even surgery. Treatment for a hemorrhagic stroke also involves long-term care, such as physical therapy. A physician may prescribe pain relief medications or even surgical procedures, depending on the symptoms.
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In addition to X-rays, doctors may use a procedure called a digital subtraction angiogram to locate the location of the ruptured blood vessel. A catheter is inserted into an artery in the groin, and contrast is injected into the blood to make the vessels visible to the X-ray. A doctor can then use a CT or MRI to locate the bleeding in the brain or spinal cord.