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  • Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Causes and Symptoms of Hemorrhagic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Hemorrhagic Stroke

A doctor can determine the cause of a hemorrhagic stroke through imaging tests. These tests include computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Other tests may be performed to determine whether the patient has cerebral ischemia or hemorrhagic stroke. These tests also check the patient's blood clotting and overall health. A patient should seek emergency medical care as soon as possible if they suspect a hemorrhagic stroke. Timely medical care will prevent life-threatening complications and spread of damage throughout the brain.

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Hemorrhagic strokes can occur from several causes, including high blood pressure, trauma, or arteriovenous malformations. In most cases, hemorrhagic strokes can occur when blood from a clot lodges in an artery and spills into the brain. Inflammation or a genetic condition can also cause a hemorrhagic stroke. Treatment should begin immediately.

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Hemorrhagic stroke causes damage to brain tissue. Blood is essential for the brain's function. Without it, tissue in this part of the brain will die. Bleeding into the brain interrupts the normal flow of blood through the arteries and damages the tissue directly. If left untreated, the artery wall can become weak and lead to another stroke. As a result, hemorrhagic stroke symptoms include headache, vomiting, lethargy, and nausea. Patients suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity are at higher risk for hemorrhagic stroke.

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The symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke vary depending on the part of the brain injured. They may include sudden difficulty walking, dizziness, loss of balance, and blackouts. Patients may also have difficulty speaking or balancing, or their facial features or arms may droop. People experiencing any of these symptoms should seek emergency medical care immediately. It is important to seek medical attention if these symptoms occur, as it is important to determine the cause of the stroke and the best treatment.

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Other symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke include a sudden, severe headache, stiff neck, and vomiting. Other symptoms may include memory loss, difficulty speaking clearly, and weakness in one side of the body. In children, the symptoms may not be immediately apparent and may be mistaken for other conditions. The condition can also result in sudden fall or fever. During a hemorrhagic stroke, a doctor will administer the FAST test to determine if a person has had a hemorrhagic stroke.

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During a hemorrhagic stroke, treatment of the condition focuses on stabilizing vital signs and controlling bleeding in the brain. Medicines to relieve swelling and relieve pain may be prescribed to control the bleeding. The goals of treatment include reducing disability and preventing future strokes. This rehabilitation can be long-term and may involve physical, occupational, vision, speech and language therapy. While a stroke is life-threatening, treatment for a hemorrhagic stroke is often necessary to help patients recover from the experience.

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Another type of hemorrhagic stroke is called intracerebral hemorrhage, or ICH. This occurs when a blood vessel ruptures, putting pressure on the brain and resulting in blood loss. To give the patient the best chance of recovery, treatment should be started as soon as possible. The treatment for ICH depends on the cause of the hemorrhage, including the treatment of a blood clot and stopping bleeding.

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Oren Zarif hemorrhagic stroke symptoms

Thrombotic or embolic strokes also occur. The blood clot forms in the artery somewhere else in the body and travels to the brain. People with heart disease and heart surgery are at high risk for embolic stroke. They often occur quickly without warning symptoms. 15% of all embolic strokes occur in people with atrial fibrillation, a condition in which the upper chambers of the heart do not beat properly.

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