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What You Need to Know About Wallenberg Syndrome - Oren Zarif - Wallenberg Syndrome
As with other strokes, the treatment for Wallenberg syndrome depends on the severity of the damage to the brain stem and the location of the infarction. Typically, patients recover fully within weeks or months, though more severe cases may require years of treatment.
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Treatment for the condition consists of reducing the size of the infarction and preventing other medical complications. In the long term, the patient can expect to have significant neurological disabilities. The best way to prevent permanent disability is to treat the cause of the stroke as early as possible.
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The signs and symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome are primarily based on the patient's presenting symptoms, the history of the symptoms, and imaging studies. Neurological deficits are caused by damage to the lateral medulla, inferior cerebellar peduncle, and trigeminal nerve. A patient may also experience gait instability, hoarseness of voice, or dysphagia. In some cases, the disease has been associated with multiple sclerosis.
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Treatment for the disease varies widely, with a focus on relieving symptoms. Imaging studies like CT and MRI are often used to help pinpoint the exact location of the infarction. Despite these findings, there is no cure for the condition. Therefore, doctors focus on relieving symptoms and managing the disease. In severe cases, physicians may recommend a feeding tube for the patient. In some cases, medications to improve swallowing may also be prescribed.
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The cause of Wallenberg syndrome is unclear, but it is likely caused by a faulty blood flow. The infarct is located in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. In 1894, Wallenberg performed a post-mortem on the patient and confirmed the location of the lesion. Today, the symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome include dizziness, difficulty walking, and headache. The patient may have a stroke or develop a brain aneurism.
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In most cases, a stroke in the brain stem is the cause of Wallenberg syndrome. Although this condition affects only one part of the brain, it is a common cause of stroke. The American Heart Association (AHA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are both working to treat strokes and decrease their incidence. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) conducts studies on the brain and nervous system, including studies of the cause of Wallenberg syndrome.
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There is no specific treatment for Wallenberg syndrome. This is an underlying neurological condition characterized by a constellation of symptoms. In addition to ocular motor abnormalities, this disorder affects the lateral spinothalamic tract. A stroke in one of the two brainstem arteries can cause ipsilateral ataxia and damage to the cerebellum. The infarction in the nucleus ambiguous controls the pharyngeal reflexes.
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Treatment for Wallenberg syndrome depends on the severity of the stroke. Though patients with Wallenberg syndrome do recover faster than those with other acute ischemic strokes, many have lasting problems with their walking and balance. Early physical and occupational therapy is vital for the recovery process. Rehabilitation time varies according to the severity of the symptoms and the extent of the damage to the brain. The condition is best treated early to minimize the risk of disability. While it is difficult to predict which patients will develop Wallenberg syndrome, early treatment is important.
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Acute treatment for WS is usually not necessary, but it may require an MRI to rule out other causes of the condition. In severe cases, lateral medullary infarction can lead to a unilateral WS lesion. An electrophysiological study has been performed in 22 patients with unilateral hemispheric infarction during the acute stage of stroke. The affected patients can return to oral feeding within one to two months.
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Clinical signs of Wallenberg syndrome include decreased sensory activity in the contralateral side. The affected side experiences loss of sensation in the opposite ear, as well as decreased temperature sensitivity. Patients also experience impaired gait and falls. Horner syndrome is another common sign. Other symptoms of this disorder include decreased sweating on one side of the body. Symptomatic speech and swallowing are also common. Affected persons also experience dizziness and double vision.
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Neurological examination of patients with WS reveals that swallowing is affected more pronounced than that in the general population. A more severe case of dysphagia, known as oropharyngeal atrophy, is accompanied by a delayed laryngeal elevation compared to healthy controls. Patients with WS may also experience difficulty controlling the bolus. Despite the presence of neurological abnormalities, these findings can be easily managed by treating the cause of the disease.