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What You Need to Know About TBI - Oren Zarif - Tbi

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

You can learn about TBI from resources and organizations. It's also helpful to talk to your physician about your symptoms and any treatments that may be needed. TBI isn't a life-threatening condition, so don't be shy about asking questions. Rather, share what you think and what you know with your team. During the course of your treatment, you will develop an understanding of your condition and the treatment options that are available.

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TBI may also lead to other injuries, such as a shoulder injury or social communication problems. In such a scenario, a TBI can cause additional stress and pain. Moreover, older patients may take longer to recover than their younger counterparts. In addition, if a TBI results in multiple symptoms, a patient may need additional treatments and tests. In addition, a person may not be able to speak properly or swallow a meal.

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A speech-language pathologist can help assess the severity of TBI. These specialists can perform tests on speech, language, swallowing, and thinking. A patient may not be able to speak clearly after TBI, and in such a case, speech-language therapy and other forms of therapy may help. Rehabilitation counselors will help a patient return to work or school. The goal of speech-language therapy is to restore a patient's function and independence.

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If your condition has left you in a vegetative state, you should seek out a facility that specializes in TBI. They will monitor you longer than other patients, which will help determine a better prognosis. If you're not able to find a TBI rehab center, stay in touch with your rehabilitation case manager and neurologist for continued monitoring. These professionals can help you make the right decision when choosing a rehabilitation center.

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After a TBI, your child may experience problems with short-term and long-term memory. They may have difficulty concentrating. Likewise, they may have difficulty relating to others and learning new skills. Their behavior may be restless or emotional. It may even result in seizures and spasticity. The patient may be partially paralyzed on one side of the body. Eventually, you may need to see a doctor if your child is experiencing any of these symptoms.

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The most common forms of TBI are traumatic brain injury (TBI) and concussion. Older adults, children, and infants are at highest risk for developing TBI. Older adults, including the elderly, are more prone to falling, hitting their heads, and sustaining other types of injury. Even infants can develop a TBI if they're injured in a fall or are abused. If you've suffered a TBI, talk to your doctor about the risks and treatment options for TBI.

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If your TBI is mild, the main treatment for your TBI is over-the-counter pain relievers. Follow your health care provider's instructions, and gradually return to activities. If you don't feel better after taking the pain-relievers, you should contact your doctor or emergency room. Moderate to severe TBI requires immediate medical attention, as your body's ability to function is impaired. The doctor will monitor your blood pressure and oxygen flow to the brain.

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TBI can also affect your mood and mental state. There's a link between traumatic brain injury and suicidal ideation, according to a study by the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. This study also found an association between repeated TBI and suicidal ideation among Iraq/Afghanistan veterans. Further studies are needed to assess whether TBI affects the symptoms of PTSD. In addition, TBI causes a more serious mental health condition, such as depression.

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While some people recover fully after suffering a TBI, others never fully recover. Although recovery time depends on the severity of the brain injury, there are many people who regain consciousness over the years. Recovery from a severe TBI follows a step-by-step path. Most people progress through various stages, including a vegetative state, a coma, and minimal consciousness. From there, recovery usually follows a post-traumatic confusional state that will gradually improve over time.

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Among US military veterans who experienced mTBI, nearly half reported continuing symptoms. These included memory loss, irritability, and sleep problems. This suggests that those with mTBI may experience lasting problems far longer than what is commonly recognized in the active duty population. Researchers at the VA are studying the effectiveness of various treatments for TBI. You may want to consult your doctor to determine the best treatment for your situation. It's never too late to get help.

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