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What You Need to Know About Frontal Lobe Damage - Oren Zarif - Frontal Lobe Damage

For a person with frontal lobe damage, determining how much help they need can be a challenge. While they may not realize that they have any problems, the damage to these areas can significantly affect their ability to self-monitor and gain insight. Many people do not realize that they have frontal lobe damage until it has already impacted their daily lives. To help them navigate through the challenges of life, there are several treatment options available.

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The most common tests to assess frontal lobe damage are computerized versions of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), which requires rapid eye movements in response to an attention-catching cue. Another test is the saccade, which tracks every single eye movement, even those small ones. Although there are a variety of tests available, these are the easiest to administer and often don't require advanced technology. This is why many doctors use them.

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The treatments for frontal lobe damage vary widely, but they are all aimed at improving the symptoms of the condition. Infections can be treated with antibiotics, while brain tumors can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. Degenerative diseases, on the other hand, do not have a definitive cure. Nevertheless, medications and lifestyle changes can be effective in treating symptoms. For patients with severe motor weakness, rehabilitation may be necessary. For those who are unable to complete activities, such as people with Alzheimer's disease, speech therapy may be of help.

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Damage to the frontal lobes affects several aspects of behavior. It affects how we think, feel, and behave. Damaged frontal lobes can result in indecisiveness, difficulty initiating activities, and even emotional instability and explosive behavior. It is important to note that treatment for frontal lobe damage will differ based on the cause of the injury. In some cases, the damage may only be visible in the MRI.

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For survivors of frontal lobe damage, rehabilitation may be a challenge and will take time. Because the effects of traumatic brain injury can be unpredictable, it is important to visit a specialist for a comprehensive evaluation. The time spent with specialist doctors can be costly, but a good health insurance policy can help mitigate the expenses. The following are some of the most important aspects of care for people with frontal lobe damage.

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In some people with frontal lobe damage, the risk-taking behavior is heightened, resulting in reduced self-control. The risk-taking behavior results from the disinhibition of response inhibition. Impulsive people make snap decisions and lack self-control. In contrast, risk-takers are quick to react to an opportunity to obtain a reward. Gambling tasks have been used to assess this increased risk-taking behavior.

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The most common symptom of frontal lobe brain injury is cognitive dysfunction. This type of damage may result in an inability to make decisions and to make friends and family. Symptoms of frontal lobe brain injury vary greatly, and it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Even the mildest brain injury can lead to a lengthy recovery period. Depending on the severity of the injury, people may not recover completely and rehabilitation may be difficult or impossible.

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Other symptoms of frontal lobe damage include language difficulties and difficulty planning projects. People with this condition may also have difficulty with self-control, empathy, and impulsivity. Left hemispatial neglect causes people with autism to have difficulty noticing visual stimuli on the left side of the brain. Right hemispatial neglect results in the opposite. If left hemispatial dysfunction is present, the symptoms are much less severe.

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Although patients with frontal lobe damage often complain about memory problems, their performance in standard memory tests is within normal limits. However, this indicates that the scientific community is comparing the wrong groups. The need for more comprehensive research on the subject of frontal lobe damage is a clear sign that more studies are needed. And since the scientific community has so little information about the effects of brain injury, it is difficult to conclude what exactly the symptom of frontal lobe damage will be.

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The frontal lobe is the largest part of the brain and lies directly in front of the central sulcus. It consists of 3 main areas: the premotor cortex (the part of the cerebrum that controls motor skills), the primary motor cortex (PMC), and the expressive language area. A person's frontal lobe damage may cause an entire range of symptoms. These symptoms can be life-altering and cause further medical problems.

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