What You Need to Know About Frontal Lobe Damage - Oren Zarif - Frontal Lobe Damage
Symptoms of frontal lobe damage include abnormalities of praxis, emotional-volitional disorders, and behavioral changes. Damage to this area may also affect the speech apparatus and walking abilities. These areas are responsible for regulating behavior and preventing socially undesirable actions. There are several tests for frontal lobe damage.
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These include: a thorough neurologic exam, a history from family members and other close contacts, and a battery of tests. During the examination, behavioral changes should be noted, such as: apathy, inappropriate jocularity, insight impairment, and confabulation; environmental dependency, including putting on someone else's glasses; spontaneous frontal release signs; incontinence, and persistent or repetitive behavior.
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Treatment for frontal lobe damage depends on the cause. Treatments for infections include antibiotics, surgery, and radiation. Treatment for degenerative diseases includes lifestyle changes and medications. For individuals with cognitive and motor disabilities, rehabilitation is often recommended. In some cases, therapy can help patients learn new coping mechanisms, such as reversing their impulsive behavior. While there are currently no definitive treatments for frontal lobe damage, treatment options include medication, surgery, and rehabilitation.
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A person with frontal lobe damage may not be aware they need support and assistance. This condition can also cause a person to miss payments on their bills, resulting in financial hardship. Whether it is a stroke, an infection, a mental health disorder, or poorly controlled diabetes, it is important to seek support for the patient. It is possible for a patient to become moody or impulsive after brain damage, and the social worker's role is crucial in the process.
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The effects of frontal lobe damage vary by age, but many people who suffer from this condition may experience permanent developmental disabilities. It is also important to note that frontal lobe damage can occur during adolescence. It is important to understand how frontal lobe damage can affect a patient's personality and life. Even though the brain is still developing at this stage, frontal lobe damage can have lasting effects.
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Damage to this area of the brain affects many areas of the body. In addition to motor coordination, it also helps us categorize and distinguish objects. The frontal lobe controls memory and movement. Scientists have identified specific areas of the frontal lobe that control movement, known as the motor homunculus. In 1848, a railroad spike explosion injured Phineas Gage's frontal lobe, resulting in a drastic change in his personality.
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Patients with frontal lobe damage may exhibit some of these symptoms, as well as mechanical damages. The lobe damage is a result of disinhibition. Astasia and abasia sufferers experience a disinhibiting attitude, which can manifest in impulsive behavior. If the frontal lobes are damaged in such a way, the affected person may be more prone to impulsive behaviors and emotional disturbance.
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Damage to the frontal lobe may affect various executive functions. However, specific impairments depend on which part of the frontal lobe is damaged. For example, damage to the back portion of the frontal lobe can result in paralysis or weakness of the affected side of the body. Because each side of the brain controls the opposite part of the body, damage to this part of the brain may have a devastating impact on the patient.
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Although the clinical significance of frontal lobe dysfunction is not known, researchers have linked it to increased aggression and antisocial behavior. Using neuropsychological tests, neurological examination, and EEG, studies have revealed that a frontal lobe dysfunction increases aggressive and antisocial behavior in subjects with prefrontal cortex disorders. The increased risk is a small percentage of patients over the base rate, but prospective studies are needed to confirm the findings.
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In addition to visual problems, a weakened frontal lobe may lead to the production of hallucinations. Affected individuals may also have trouble identifying colors or recognizing words. In severe cases, they may even become a devout follower of religion. The temporal lobe can also contribute to an individual's ability to recognize words. The frontal lobe and temporal lobe are important to the functioning of the brain.