What You Need to Know About Brain Stroke - Oren Zarif - Brain Stroke
If you have suffered a stroke, the emergency room may begin by establishing an intravenous line, administering oxygen and IV fluids, and ordering appropriate blood tests and CT scans. Neurologists, neurosurgeons and interventional radiologists may then decide to use tPA or other methods to remove the clot. After tPA is administered, patients may be stabilized with a hospitalist or undergo brain surgery. After the acute event, rehabilitation physicians, physical therapists and occupational therapists may be involved. Primary care providers would oversee the long-term care of stroke victims.
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Transient ischemic attacks, also known as TIAs, occur when blood supply to brain cells is interrupted or decreased. Transient ischemic attacks can last anywhere from a few minutes to 24 hours, and they are a warning sign of a more serious underlying condition. If they happen more than once, they may indicate the impending onset of a full stroke. For this reason, it is important to seek immediate medical attention for TIAs.
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The symptoms of a stroke can be subtle, such as difficulty speaking or repeating simple sentences. If you notice any of these symptoms, call 911 right away and make sure to document the date and time when the symptoms first appeared. If a child displays any of these symptoms, the first step in stroke diagnosis is to perform a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. If MRI is not possible, computed tomography scans or magnetic resonance angiography may be used instead. Ultrasound of the brain may also help identify abnormal blood vessels.
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A person with a stroke will typically experience numbness and weakness in one side of the body, such as the face. A stroke can also cause weakness in the right or left side of the body. One might even experience paralysis in one side of the body. If the stroke is severe enough, this can lead to paralysis on the affected side. In addition, a person suffering from a stroke will have difficulty thinking and speaking.
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A person with a stroke may experience difficulty reasoning, making judgments, and understanding concepts. Inability to control emotions may also arise. Some stroke survivors may even experience depression. Pain, numbness, and tingling sensations are also common. A person with a stroke may also experience a change in personality and may need help with daily tasks. It is essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible after a stroke.
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Because the brain is so vital, the treatment of a stroke must be immediate. A patient with a stroke must call 9-1-1 for emergency care. Once in the emergency room, clot-busting medications will restore the blood supply within three to four and a half hours. If the stroke is caught early enough, a patient may be treated successfully and fully recover within three to four hours. If the stroke is not detected early, it could lead to death or serious disability.
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After a stroke, the person may need therapy for a prolonged period. The therapy will vary depending on the severity of the stroke, the affected body parts, and the extent of the damage. If the patient is able to move, he or she may benefit from exercise or activity-based therapy. A patient with difficulty swallowing may also suffer from pressure sores and infections caused by skin breakdown. Seizures can occur in 10 percent of stroke patients. Seizures are common, but if diagnosed in time, prompt treatment can minimize brain damage.
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The treatment for a stroke is a medical emergency, and early intervention increases a patient's odds of survival and recovery. If a stroke victim has suffered a clot that has blocked blood flow to a portion of their brain, treatment must be initiated within three hours of the stroke. Treatment has greatly improved since the 1950s, when nine out of ten people were diagnosed with stroke. The mortality rate has decreased dramatically since then, although one in three stroke survivors will suffer from a moderate to severe disability.
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A stroke can affect speech, vision, balance, and coordination. The brainstem is crucial for several bodily functions and a stroke in this area can affect all of these. It also affects a person's ability to think, speak, and understand spatial relationships. If left untreated, the stroke can lead to permanent paralysis, and the stroke may cause death. There is no cure for a stroke, but it can be prevented or managed.