What to Expect After an Acquired Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Acquired Brain Injury
There is no exact recovery time for acquired brain injury, because each person's recovery will be different. The recovery time will depend on the specific symptoms a patient experiences and the type of treatment he or she receives. Recovery is never an overnight process, but it is often possible to return to normal life within a year. In addition, there are many different ways to deal with acquired brain injury. This article explains the different types of treatment and what to expect after an injury.
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A traumatic brain injury occurs when the brain experiences a force or blow to the head. This type of injury results in a brain hematoma, which may require surgery. Surgical procedures may cause extensive brain damage, and are sometimes necessary to stop seizures. Severe infections and cardiac complications can also cause brain injury. In addition, severe tumors can cause bleeding or damage to brain cells and membranes. These injuries are not always life-threatening, but they can be debilitating.
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Different children respond differently to an acquired brain injury. Some children may experience a coma, while others may experience a decreased level of consciousness. The length of time a child spends in a coma depends on the severity of the brain damage and where the injury occurred. Although many children recover fully, others will experience life-long impairments. A comprehensive evaluation is necessary to determine the type of treatment that best suits the child's needs.
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In addition to providing care for those with an ABI, the ABI Partnership Project provides support for individuals in their communities and beyond. There are 36 different programs offered by the ABI Partnership Project. One program includes Community Injury Prevention Grants to community groups that work to address traffic safety concerns and deliver programs to promote brain health. The ABI Partnership Project also provides research-based information on how to best care for people with acquired brain injuries and their families.
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The most common cause of acquired brain injury (ABI) is motor vehicle accidents. More than 90% of accidents involving firearms result in death. Slip and fall accidents and physical abuse also result in ABI and are among the most common causes of childhood brain trauma. Other causes include medical malpractice and physical abuse. Even a mild brain injury can lead to permanent impairment. This condition can affect a person's mental, behavioral, and emotional health.
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If ABI affects a person's ability to perform everyday tasks, they may need rehabilitation. Rehabilitation often takes a long time, but it is often the first few months of recovery that show the greatest improvement. After that, recovery may take years and some people will never fully recover from ABI. This means adjusting to life with the limitations that the condition causes. It is important to seek professional help early and seek support in a time of crisis, as this can help to avoid further complications.
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Because falls are the most common cause of TBI, prevention strategies that target the elderly population are especially important. Falls are a major source of ABI. Patients must be screened for injuries to the head when they fall. Additionally, health care services must prepare for the growing number of older adults with potential cognitive and physical impairments. They should be educated on the best ways to detect, diagnose, and treat this potentially life-threatening condition. They should learn how to recognize signs and symptoms and help older adults prevent future injuries.
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Studies of ABI prevalence and incidence among older adults are mixed. However, there were some studies that found a statistically significant association between age and the type of nTBI. For instance, among the older people hospitalized with ABI, vascular insults, and brain tumours were the most common types of nTBI. These findings can translate into better public health practices and prevention methods, and can help plan pathways for coping with disability.
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Various studies have shown that people who sustain an ABI are at a higher risk of mood disorders than the general population. Major depression, dysthymia, and mania are among the common mood disorders in people with ABI. A study by Fann and colleagues in 2004 looked at the prevalence of psychiatric illness following TBI in an adult health maintenance organization (HMO) population. Compared with the general population, the risk of psychiatric illness was three to four times greater within the first six months of mild to moderate TBI.