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What to Do in the Event of a Massive Stroke - Oren Zarif - Massive Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The first steps in preventing a massive stroke are critical, but what can be done in the event of a massive stroke? The acronym BE FAST stands for Get to a Doctor Fast. Depending on the type of stroke, the doctor can give medications or perform procedures to remove clots and prevent bleeding. Once a patient is seen by a doctor, they can begin treatment to reduce the stroke's symptoms. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

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The recovery time after a massive stroke is greatly affected by age, and this age factor is also a factor. The longer you have a stroke, the worse the outcome. Age and time may also play a role. However, by being aware of the signs of stroke, you can protect your loved one from unwanted interventions and procedures. A lack of awareness can make you a scapegoat, but a lack of knowledge is the ultimate culprit. The medical community profit from people who don't know much about stroke. While there is no deserved reason to suffer from a stroke, knowing what to expect will help you avoid any unwanted procedures or interventions.

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When considering rehabilitation, a medical team may use a stroke score. Each stroke is different, and therefore the recovery will vary. In general, one specialist may claim that recovery reaches a plateau after two years while another may claim that it peaks after five. It's important to seek rehabilitation early and discuss your personal options with your doctor. Often, it's best to begin therapy before discharge, as it will help you make the most of your recovery.

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The severity of a massive stroke is determined by a comprehensive evaluation of the patient. Doctors score the patient in 11 categories, including the ability to follow commands, move, feel, and communicate. A massive stroke may lead to permanent paralysis on one or more sides of the body, leaving the victim in the hospital without the ability to speak or even walk. The recovery time after a massive stroke may be very long. The patient can never regain these basic functions, but it can be possible to recover some of these vital organs.

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A massive stroke can result in substantial damage to brain tissue. There are a variety of areas of the brain affected by a massive stroke. Because dead brain cells are unable to regenerate, healthy areas in the brain step in to make up for the lost function. Medical experts use the NIH Stroke Scale to determine the severity of stroke. Scores between 21 and 42 indicate a severe stroke. The best way to determine the severity of the stroke is by assessing the patient's scores on a stroke scale.

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While a massive stroke can cause death, it can be life-threatening and require intensive medical care. A stroke can also lead to significant secondary effects. While it may take many months to recover from a massive stroke, many survivors are able to fully recover. However, the recovery time after a massive stroke depends on the type of stroke and how quickly the person receives medical care. It is important to know how to recover from a massive stroke.

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Therapy for a massive stroke is crucial, as the brain will need to retrain itself. Through physical therapy, patients can regain movement, and their speech may improve as they learn to speak again. After the stroke, patients should also participate in rehabilitation programs. Passive exercise is a great way to help those with paralysis. Passive exercise involves moving body parts without exerting any effort. This helps stimulate neuroplasticity, the process of learning new skills and abilities.

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A massive stroke has many symptoms. Most strokes are caused by a blockage of an artery supplying blood to the brain. Often, a blood clot will form in the artery that supplies the brain with blood. Other issues resulting in a blood clot can cause it to travel through an artery and ultimately reach the brain. If this is the case, it is vital to seek medical attention immediately. If you suspect a massive stroke, call 911 immediately.

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If you have a history of high blood pressure, you may be at risk for a stroke. If you have high blood pressure, or have taken too much blood-thinning medications, you are at greater risk for a massive stroke. The symptoms of a massive stroke include paralysis and loss of movement of muscles. In the event of a stroke, you may also have trouble swallowing food and talking, as well as difficulty with language and speech.

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