What to Do If You Have a Brain Stroke - Oren Zarif - Brain Stroke
If you think you may be experiencing a brain stroke, contact an ambulance and ask for immediate medical attention. The faster you get to the hospital, the better. A stroke can happen to anyone at any age, and it can be inherited in the family. It's vital to reduce your risk of stroke by making healthy lifestyle changes, like limiting alcohol and exercising regularly. You should also try to eat a balanced diet, and drink at least two liters of water every day.
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A CT scan of the head and blood tests are indicated for an acute stroke. Both of these tests help doctors plan their treatment. CTs are used to distinguish between an ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. They also check for bleeding, masses, and decreased blood supply in the brain. A CT perfusion scan is another option. MRIs of the brain are available in some hospitals, but not all. They are very expensive and are not usually performed on most patients.
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In a stroke, the time frame for medical intervention is extremely short. If the patient is unconscious or is not breathing, bystanders and family members may need to confirm the patient's information. Additionally, the patient may be unable to speak and need help to speak. The doctor will also likely conduct tests to rule out a blocked artery. A stroke victim's recovery will be determined by the treatment he or she receives.
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Physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy are all important parts of treatment for a stroke patient. If swallowing is difficult, a feeding tube may be placed in the stomach. In either case, the goal of treatment is to regain function as quickly as possible and to prevent another stroke. Recovery from a stroke usually starts in a hospital and continues at a rehabilitation center. Follow up with your health care provider to ensure the process is progressing well.
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When a stroke victim is unconscious, he or she will not be able to speak. This makes it essential to call a doctor immediately. The sooner you get medical treatment, the less likely the stroke victim will die or have permanent damage to his or her brain. However, if the symptoms begin within three hours of a stroke, you should seek immediate medical attention. If you have been a victim of a stroke, call 911 or visit a local emergency room.
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The cerebellum processes input from other parts of the brain, such as sensory receptors, and provides precise timing for coordinated movement. A stroke that affects this region can cause dizziness, nausea, and problems with balance and coordination. The cerebellum is the largest part of the brain, which is responsible for the coordination of voluntary motor movements. When it is damaged, a stroke in this area can lead to permanent problems, such as trouble with speech or balance.
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One common symptom of a stroke is one-sided neglect. You may not notice objects on one side of your body, but you might notice that half of your plate is empty. If your stroke affected your right side, you may be unable to speak and understand other people's voices. If this is your case, you may need to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. You may be able to speak, but your speech will be unreliable.
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A stroke is similar to a heart attack in that it occurs when blood flow is cut off to part of your brain. Without blood flow, brain cells die. In the best case scenario, the sooner you seek medical help, the more brain you will be able to recover. During the initial stages of a stroke, blood clots are the most common culprits, but arteries can also burst or rupture. If you experience a stroke, call 9-1-1 immediately for immediate treatment. Once you receive emergency care, a clot-busting drug may restore the blood supply to your brain.
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The effects of a brain stroke are many. It may affect your ability to speak, walk, or balance, and you might even lose your ability to sleep. You may also experience unusual physical sensations, like pain or numbness. You might also experience seizures in 10% of cases. Seizures are rare but may occur. Stroke survivors should seek medical attention right away to prevent further brain damage. These symptoms can be severe, so it is important to seek medical care as soon as possible.
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Emergency physicians will evaluate the patient and may administer oxygen to the affected area. A neurosurgeon may also perform an intervention to remove clots. Depending on the severity of your stroke, medical treatment may consist of blood thinners, medicine to control blood pressure, or even surgery to unclog the carotid artery carrying blood to the brain. Your primary care provider would then oversee the patient's recovery and prevent further strokes from occurring.