What Services Are Available After a Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Stroke
If you are suffering from a stroke, you may be wondering what services are available. Occupational therapists can help you regain your speech and other communication skills, and speech and language therapists can help you with any language or thinking problems you might have. The stroke patient may have trouble with their memory, thinking, and muscles, joints, or nerves. These changes can make it difficult to complete daily tasks, such as bathing and eating. A speech and language therapist can also help you find alternative ways to communicate with others.
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Although there are differences between focal and global ischemia, both types can result in death. It is important to distinguish between these two types of strokes, as they have distinct clinical presentations and prognoses. That said, the difference between these two types of strokes is significant enough to limit the definition of stroke to only those cases in which it occurs. In many cases, focal ischemia is all that is required to qualify as a stroke.
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If you suspect that someone you know is having a stroke, call 9-1-1 right away. Do not drive yourself to the hospital. Ambulance personnel can begin life-saving treatment while you are in the ambulance. Once at the hospital, a team of stroke specialists will assess your condition and treat the symptoms. The treatment plan may involve a hospital stay, medicine, surgery, or another procedure. Depending on the severity of the stroke, the patient may require a rehabilitation plan to regain their normal function.
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Symptoms of a stroke include difficulty speaking and understanding speech. People may also experience difficulty seeing and understanding objects. In extreme cases, there may be bleeding in the head or inside the brain. Some people may even have trouble recognizing and understanding simple tasks. A stroke can have devastating consequences for people's lives. In fact, many people consider having a stroke to be worse than death. However, if you have any symptoms of a stroke, it is important to seek medical attention right away.
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A stroke is more common in African-Americans and nonwhite Hispanic Americans. People with a family history of heart disease may be more likely to have a stroke. An electrocardiogram and an echocardiogram can detect if there are any problems with the heart. If there is a clot in the blood, doctors can prescribe tPA, a medication that will dissolve it. The tPA must be administered within four hours of the onset of stroke symptoms.
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The stroke symptoms are different in each person. Some symptoms include sudden weakness, difficulty speaking, vision problems, or even paralysis. If the clot has blocked the artery, medical attention is needed immediately. The sooner you get to the hospital, the better your chances are of recovery. The symptoms of stroke depend on the location of the stroke in the brain, and the extent of damage done to the brain. Thankfully, there are treatments for these strokes.
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If your symptoms don't improve after a few days, your doctor may suggest a brain scan. The doctor can use these images to determine the exact type of stroke your body is suffering from. The scan can only confirm if a person is suffering from a stroke when it is conducted in a hospital environment. This is done with the help of a neurophysiological test known as a CT scan. If the stroke is caused by a blockage of a blood vessel, it can be treated with thrombolytic drugs to minimize any damage done to the brain.
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Transient ischemic attacks are also symptoms of stroke. These symptoms will last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. These symptoms will usually resolve on their own, but if not treated, they may lead to a full stroke. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should call 911 as soon as possible. Time is critical in treating a stroke because if it is not treated, the victim will suffer permanent brain damage.
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If your doctor determines you have a high risk of a stroke, they may prescribe a medication called tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). This substance dissolves blood clots and restores blood flow to the affected area of the brain. Typically, the patient is given tPA through an IV. This medicine should be administered as soon as possible after the stroke occurs. It is especially effective in patients who receive the drug within three to four hours of the stroke.