What is Wallenberg Syndrome? - Oren Zarif - Wallenberg Syndrome
A lateral medullary syndrome is the result of an imbalance of the brain resulting in an elevation of the contralateral eye and a vertical displacement of the ipsilateral eye. This condition may also lead to head tilt, excyclodeviation, and disconjugate ocular torsion. Symptoms of this syndrome include decreased strength and sensation in the left arm and leg, and difficulty sitting up straight and leaning to the left. In addition, patients with this syndrome typically complain of diplopia, and may also experience an unusual tilt in their environment.
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A physician makes a diagnosis after examining the patient and obtaining a complete health history. In some cases, doctors will order imaging studies to confirm the diagnosis. Ultimately, treatment focuses on alleviating symptoms. In severe cases, doctors may prescribe swallowing therapy or a feeding tube. A full recovery time depends on the severity of the condition. Although there is no cure for the disorder, doctors can help their patients live normal lives. Although there is no cure for the condition, a patient may require long-term medical care.
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Some medical conditions that may lead to the development of this disorder are cardiac embolism, artery dissection, and minor trauma. These conditions can lead to the development of Wallenberg syndrome. Other common causes include artery disease and trauma to the anterior or posterior spinal artery. Further, a small amount of trauma to the neck, such as a fall, may lead to a Wallenberg syndrome. Although the exact cause of this condition remains unknown, many patients develop symptoms related to the vascular condition.
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In addition to causing neurological complications, Wallenberg syndrome can lead to a loss of balance and motor function. Symptoms include difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, difficulty with balance, dizziness, and rapid eye movements. Some individuals experience a loss of temperature sensation in one or both sides of the face. MRI scans also reveal that the condition may have occurred due to an injury to the posterior inferior cerebellar artery.
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When a patient is diagnosed with Wallenberg syndrome, early diagnosis is critical. MRI is the preferred imaging method in acute stroke and has improved sensitivity and specificity. Nevertheless, MRIs are unreliable for locating an infarction in the medulla. In the absence of MRI, a clinician must perform a physical examination. This will reveal any abnormalities in the patient's body and determine if it is a cause of wallenberg syndrome.
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Overall, the outlook for patients with Wallenberg syndrome is better than other acute ischemic strokes. However, this condition is not without complications and can lead to permanent disability. Gait instability is the most common symptom and the patient must seek treatment as soon as possible. Physical and occupational therapy are essential for the recovery process. Rehabilitation is the key to preventing this condition from affecting the patient's quality of life. A doctor can prescribe antiemetics and preventive medicines to minimize the risks of developing a complication in the future.
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Another type of Wallenberg syndrome is posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) syndrome. It causes a stroke in the lateral medulla, which can result in multiple impairments. The first description of the condition was by Gaspard Vieusseux in 1808. Adolf Wallenberg elucidated the lateral medulla in detail in 1895. The condition is more common in men than women.
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During his lifetime, he studied medicine under Erb in Leipzig and Heidelberg. He wrote his thesis on poliomyelitis, and then returned to his hometown of Danzig as a physician at the city hospital. After the first world war, he became chief physician at the city hospital. In addition to working in hospitals, he also served as an advisor to the 17th army. He later won the Erb medal for his work on the nervous system.
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The major clinical findings associated with WS are documented in Table 1. Patients with WS often exhibit delayed laryngeal elevation. Other patients show impaired or absent swallowing ability, while those with WS show delayed laryngeal elevation. In patients with hemispheric stroke, the oral phase is more affected, and a patient with WS may have difficulty controlling bolus size. The duration and severity of the dysphagia varies according to the location of the stroke.