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What Is Wallenberg Syndrome? - Oren Zarif - Wallenberg Syndrome

The outlook for patients suffering from the stroke syndrome known as Wallenberg syndrome is generally better than other acute ischemic strokes. Its main sequelae are gait instability and ataxia, though some people will experience hiccups or a lack of coordination. During the early stages of the stroke, physical therapy and occupational therapy may help the patient recover. This article will discuss the symptoms and treatments for this rare disorder. Further reading: What Is Wallenberg Syndrome?

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Patients with Wallenberg syndrome may recover within weeks or months after the stroke, depending on the size of the damaged portion of the brain stem and the severity of the symptoms. In addition, patients may have significant neurological disabilities that may require long-term medical care. Treatment may include physical therapy and medication. However, the long-term outlook of patients with Wallenberg syndrome depends on their particular circumstances and treatment. The condition can be lifelong or temporary. As such, it is important to discuss the long-term outlook with a doctor and follow the recommended treatment plan.

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Diagnosis of Wallenberg syndrome is based on the symptoms, the patient's history, and radiographic imaging. Damage to the lateral medulla, inferior cerebellar peduncle, trigeminal nerve, and vagus nerve can result in various symptoms in the patient. In addition to causing dizziness, patients with Wallenberg syndrome may experience nystagmus, hoarseness of voice, and gait instability.

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MRI can help diagnose this disorder and pinpoint the site of the infarction. MRIs have higher sensitivity and specificity than CT scans, but they are less accurate when locating infarction in the medulla. Although early clinical examination is essential for Wallenberg syndrome diagnosis, other imaging methods may also be helpful. MRIs are most commonly used for acute strokes. When used in patients with Wallenberg syndrome, MRIs may be helpful in determining the extent of damage to the brain.

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The most common treatment for Wallenberg syndrome is rest. The patient may experience several weeks of improvement in their symptoms. However, long-term neurological damage is possible. If this occurs, treatment may include speech therapy and medication. A stroke patient may require long-term rehabilitation. So, it is important to consider a full evaluation for the patient's condition to identify the appropriate therapy. Even though this syndrome often improves with treatment, it is important to consider the long-term implications of the stroke.

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If a stroke patient experiences any of the symptoms described above, they may have Wallenberg Syndrome. Wallenberg syndrome is also known as posterior inferior cerebellar artery syndrome (PICA) syndrome. A blood clot in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery results in an infarction of the lateral medulla. As a result, the patient may experience a variety of impairments. Gaspard Vieusseux first described the disease in 1808 and later, Adolf Wallenberg developed a detailed description of the condition in 1895.

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Although a unilateral lesion is common in WS, LMI may be a contributor to WS. WS often produces a bilateral swallowing muscle dysfunction. The primary reason for the disorder is that submental swallowing muscles do not receive proper innervation from the bulbar level. This may be a result of an acute disconnection syndrome between the NTS and NA. In addition, the neuronal connectivity between these two regions is disrupted.

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Patients with WS often have a significant difficulty swallowing, as the central pattern generator responsible for deglutition is not functioning at the time of stroke onset. As a result, sequential muscle activity along the oropharynx is severely incoordinated and prolonged. The severity and duration of dysphagia in WS are likely related to the extent of the lesion. If you or a loved one has Wallenberg syndrome, you may want to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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