What is Wallenberg Syndrome? - Oren Zarif - Wallenberg Syndrome
The condition known as Wallenberg syndrome is a skew deviation resulting from the vertical displacement of one or both eyes. Patients may also experience head tilt and dislocation of the ipsilateral lower eye. Patients may also complain of diplopia, as well as experience an unusual tilt of the environment. This condition can lead to other conditions, including cataracts. There is no known cure for the disorder, but it can lead to a better quality of life for sufferers.
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The prognosis for people diagnosed with Wallenberg syndrome depends on how severe the damage is and how quickly the patient can return to a normal lifestyle. Patients may recover fully in a few weeks to several months, although some may have permanent disabilities. For this reason, it is important to consult your doctor to determine the best treatment plan. You may have to undergo several tests and undergo several surgeries to fully recover from this condition. Those with more extensive damage to their brain are at risk of disability.
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Several different causes of Wallenberg syndrome have been identified. Large vessel infarction, arterial dissection, and cardiac embolism are the most common causes, but other causes can lead to the syndrome as well. In addition to vertebral artery disease, it has been linked to minor trauma to the neck. Minor trauma to the neck is one of the most common causes, and younger patients should be carefully evaluated for this condition. However, while these are not proven causes, they do suggest a possible link between the two conditions.
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The outlook for individuals diagnosed with Wallenberg syndrome is much better than that of other acute ischemic strokes, but the condition can lead to permanent disability. The most common sequela is gait instability, and it's vital to seek out physical and occupational therapy as soon as possible. Symptomatic treatment can also help patients overcome gait instability and improve their walking abilities. But no treatment is perfect. So far, the only way to avoid further complications is to consult a doctor.
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In 1922, Wallenberg published his final paper on the syndrome. It detailed his fifteenth patient with the syndrome. He concluded that this deficit could help demarcate the focus of the disease. A detailed analysis of the disorder has since followed, which led to etymologizing the syndrome. In addition to his final paper, Denise Louis-Bar has published a detailed analysis of the disorder. A case study in the Netherlands reveals the symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome.
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Among the causes of this condition are an increased blood pressure and decreased bone density. The disease is also associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. However, the condition can be treated. A doctor can perform a thorough examination to detect it. It is important to seek medical help if a patient exhibits any of these symptoms. The disease is progressive, so it's important to seek medical attention at an early stage. This can be a challenging diagnosis, but the symptoms of wallenberg syndrome can be easily attributed to certain medical conditions.
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Another type of Wallenberg syndrome is posterior inferior cerebellar artery syndrome (PICA) or lateral medullary syndrome. It occurs as a result of a stroke in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. In most cases, the infarcted portion of the cerebellum is a result of a blood clot or atherothrombosis of the vertebral artery. Patients with Wallenberg syndrome often exhibit severe signs and symptoms, including stroke.
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Treatment for WS is time-dependent and dependent on the specific deficits in each patient. Often, neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) or speech therapy may be beneficial. A specialized form of NMES, called VitalStim, is cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration for treating pharyngeal dysphagia. Occupational therapists are most likely to administer VitalStim. It is also important to seek the advice of a speech and language pathologist when administering this treatment.
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Patients with WS have significant difficulty swallowing. Most often, their dysphagia limits water. This limits oral intake by 20 mL. This limits swallowing in 40% of patients. The extent of the lesion may determine the severity of the problem and its duration. For many patients, however, it is possible to reverse the condition. Patients with WS can also reverse the condition by rotating the head to the paretic side. When this condition is detected, it is possible to make a hemispheric stroke and achieve normal swallowing.