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What is Thrombectomy? - Oren Zarif - Thrombectomy

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A thrombectomy is a surgical procedure used to remove a clot in the artery. This procedure is often combined with other treatments, including thrombolysis, which involves the use of medication to break down the clot. Thrombectomy is performed under close observation, usually 24 hours, and there are risks and benefits associated with the procedure. While 8 out of 20 patients recover without any disability, some can experience serious complications due to the use of contrast agents, which can damage the kidneys permanently.

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Before undergoing a thrombectomy, patients should discuss any known risks and benefits with their healthcare provider. It is important to discuss any medicines you're taking with your physician, as some may need to be discontinued before the procedure. If you smoke, you should stop, as this can delay healing. You should also avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before the surgery. You should also wear comfortable clothing to the hospital.

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During a thrombectomy, a thin plastic tube is inserted through an artery, usually through the groin. A contrast agent is injected into the catheter to help the doctor visualize the blood vessel on X-ray images. The catheter is then moved to the blood vessel in the brain where the clot has formed. The device is then used to dissolve the clot, restoring blood flow to the affected part of the brain.

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While a thrombectomy is not appropriate for all patients, it can help stroke patients who are at high risk for a stroke. It is also faster than clot-busting medications like tPAs. Mechanical thrombectomy can help patients improve their quality of life and their chance of recovery. These methods are not suitable for everyone, however, and the University of Virginia Health System has interventional neuroradiologists trained in this procedure.

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After a stroke, a patient will typically receive a drug called tissue plasminogen activator (TPA). The drug breaks up blood clots in the artery, but it does not work in all cases. A neurointerventional radiologist will thread a small catheter through the groin to remove the clot through a gentle vacuuming process. Once the thrombectomy is complete, a small incision is made in the blood vessel, and balloons or other devices are placed to keep it open.

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Thrombectomy is a surgical procedure that removes blood clots from arteries and veins. The procedure is a common treatment for a blood clot and can help restore normal circulation and prevent tissue damage. Surgical thrombectomy can be performed as an inpatient or outpatient procedure. The recovery process is typically quicker than thrombolysis, and the procedure is usually carried out with only one surgical incision.

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There are many reasons why a blood clot might form in a vein, and the removal of this foreign body is a potentially life-saving procedure. When the clot is large enough, it can block the blood supply to an organ and result in a heart attack, gangrene, or loss of limbs. The procedure can also be done to remove a thrombus that is stationary in a vein.

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Another option for removing a blood clot is mechanical thrombectomy. This procedure, which involves a small incision in the groin, removes the blood clot from the artery in the brain. The doctors then use a small device located at the tip of a catheter to trap the blood clot and restore blood flow. This procedure is more gentle on the body than surgery and does not disrupt the skull.

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